Gameplay is good.
Rewards meh.
Mechanics good.
Customization none.
Story some tidbits but really nothing there.
Repetitive play that slowly invades your soul.
Top tier weapons, not really top tier.
Reskinned rewards with no imagination.
2 month varied playability till you lose interest. (This is not constant play btw)
Raids that rely on a group of 6 then forces you to rely on only 1 in the end. This takes away from the group effort and puts too much dependency on the individual and thus takes away desire for new groups to try it out.
Finding groups to complete content.
Material grinding for everything.
Constant cheese. Put a bumper on second bridge wall for gods sake, so no more jumping up.--Honestly, the bridge without cheese is more challenging than crota sword ending.
Lazy developers
Lazy reward design
Lag and glitches wouldn't be so bad if design was extensively tested.
Lack of storage
Lack of equipment
Lack of personalization
Not able to pick up fallen enemy weapons to explore new weapon use.
No real exploration
In summation, its a fun game to jump into for a bit. But has no sustainability and therefore no top score. When a game begins to feel like a chore then it has lost its playability.
Top tier weapons not top tier??? hawkmoon
My apologies. Of all the top tier weapons only (insert your favorite 3. -Which, coincidentally will be the same for just about everyone- depending on system of choice.) feel like you can start a galactic civil war.
Intelligent post.
Well done, indeec
My friend very right in every way