Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian!
Add me! SourCreamL0VER on xbox one. Titan level 30.
There something wrong wit the ID link up above. When I went to join the clan . It says the ID for the group is invalid.. Please help I'd like to join.
I'm married to a woman, and together we made two more females (and a male :D), does that count?
[quote]Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian! ~Shameless[/quote] I need other girls to play with also. Most dudes are rude when they realize Im a girl. Add me, p00psbutt3rflys
Wish their were more girls playing destiny. All the girls I've encountered are cool and really experienced in the game mode. I've never saw other guys harassing girls because they are girls other than the occasional "are you a girl?" From the 10 year old in the raid.
I wanna join the sisterhood party!
Well im a girl 😊 but my characters are all male, do i still get to join?
Keep up the good work and Happy Recruiting
I've made so many friends from this group :) My friends list is now 50% girls and 50% guys - feels much more balanced. I'm also grateful for those of you who helped me with my first raids.. The moment I joined this clan was the moment I truly started playing Destiny.
Hi Gals! What time zones are you ladies mostly? I'm interested in joining the clan. I am on PS3 and my time zone is AWST (western australia).
I'll be your first male member.
Protip: if you show up to complain about the clan, nobody here would want to play with you anyway. We don't like bad attitudes and people who are argumentative!
!Attention! All the guys always complaining on this thread about how this is sexist. If you guys really think its unfair than send me a message, if I get 15 messages I'll start up a clan "brotherhood of Gs" idk that's just off the top of my head any suggestions are welcome. This clan will have only one rule !No girls allowed!
The Traveler greatly approves of this.
Does it count if I identify as a girl?
I am not a female and I'm not trying to join the clan or anything, I just wanted to say whoever came up with this is very intelligent because I've noticed a lot more females playing destiny and most of the time they are quiet due to most guys in the game. So hats off to you for a forum that actually helps them. Happy hunting
Can I join <3
I just wonder how the gaming world would react if someone posted male only clan recruitment on here I'm sure there would be uproar and posts about sexists males! Not every male is disrespectful towards women gamers most of us just wanna play a game doesn't matter about sex colour religious beliefs or anything else just wanna play destiny and that's what it should be, sorry for rant but it's posts like this that put a divide up between the sexes and there shouldn't be 1 we r all gamers
Notice you guys are saying you're mostly PS4, is there many Xbox one members? Might recommend this clan to the girlfriend
Hi hi, I sent a request to join. I've only recently gotten back into destiny since upgrading to xbox one. I'm just hoping that to find some fun people to play with and have fun. I main a 32/33 hunter depending on gear. Gt: seratonemint
im gay lol i wish i could play with u o well
May I be the one exception for a dude to join in? I'm not rude or treat girls differently, I just wanna be in a clan that's actually chill, nice to one another and that helps each other out instead of everyone for themselves and not helping anyone. If accepted and I do wrong along the way then you can tell me and I'll go without a fight. If I can join then thank you. If not, then I tried and I respect your decision. Thank you for your time.
Can I just cut my balls off and join?