Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian!
I'm a guy and feel offended
i think that it is very wrong that girl need to go in a special clan because man are mean. i think that should not have to fear to mplay with guys it is really just wrong
I'd love to join this group but am too shy. Maybe some day I'll build the courage. I never chat in game if I'm with someone unknown because I know as soon as ppl discover I'm female they'll suddenly become prejudiced. That's why we need groups like this. It's a reality many men don't even have to consider. And judging by this thread some are incapable of understanding why. Just because you live in a wonderful world where you don't encounter this; it does not mean we all do. (Btw, the name is my boyfriend's use as I use his account.)
Reminds me of Sisterhood on Moon Guard
Lol at this clan
Just wondering, do you all accept trans women? My clan is dying out and I'm in search of an active one..
Do you guys do alliances?
"Puts our differences aside..." "Females only."
Bump ladies
Hey i just need 5 people that want to do kings fall with this friday i need a group of people that want to figure out how to complete the raid find chests if you are interseted please send me a friend request on psn HarperXI
Hey I watch you on Twitch. Spartan recommended you. Keep it up!
PSN NerdMother
I wish your clan and members the best
I like to join psn benlance23 very good at raids poe and nightfalls. I would not disspoint.
I'm a female and would love to join. I play on ps4 with a lvl 34 hunter!
wanna join a good clan with day 1 destiny players look no further theres not 5000 of us because we actually like to play with our members ..lots of cool ,helpful people all respectful mostly family orientated guardians ,so feel free look us up..Gods Of Gods one.. and requirements I don't care if your level one as long as your cool and respectful we'll guard the galaxy together..thanks ..BLACK941
Hey Does anybody have an atheon checkpoint
Edited by GammaTron101: 9/14/2015 12:37:48 PMMan my luck sucks. I can never find any female gamers so seeing a clan like this is cool but I wish one of y'all would join my clan... jk [spoiler]but it is like spotting an endangered species whenever I see a girl gamer[/spoiler]
Heyz, I know you aren't looking to recruit guys (nonetheless I love/fully support the ideals behind this group) and I was wondering if you could recommend any cool clans to join for someone who's a little shy, and not really into the grunting and harassment that follows suit?
Hi can I join im a guy just looking for a frendly active clan have join other clans but they never answer my msn or never are active when Im
Edited by Fatgull: 9/14/2015 12:39:22 PM"Puts our differences aside.." "Only females.." O_o
We have a girl in our clan but it's a small one mainly focused on active users on Xbox one who just play for fun and love helping each other out.
Also add me PS3 thatrandomjb56
Can I join clan man I have 34 hunter I do Crota Poe and other
Bump. Good to see groups like this out there. :)