Yes you! Sisterhood of Guardians is recruiting new members, whether you have been around since launch or are new to Destiny. We are a clan that puts our differences aside and joins together to fight the darkness. Every single guardian is willing to help. We have members from all platforms, xbox 360, ps3, ps4, and xbox one, so you are always going to find a friend to join you in game. Our only rules include 1.) You must be female and 2.) Must respect everyone within the clan. Hope to see you in game guardian!
But wait so if I'm not a female I can't join right?
Edited by Jealousy: 10/24/2015 3:11:31 AM
BUMP team Ravenclaw PS4
Team Ravenclaw BUMPS UP FOR WHAT
Hello I'm interested!
If someone made a men only clan that would be sexist but this is fine? -blam!-ing double standards man.
Thank you ninjas!!
PS4 CLAN We aren't one of those hardcore clans people look for. We are the fun that people look for in a game nothing serious just people playing with people to talk crap and enjoy the game. Looking for new members that enjoy playing just about everything in destiny that includes the old raids and what not. Add : Mr_Hifonics If you see that I'm online feel free to send me an invite or anything I just like to meet new people and so does the rest of the clan. See you people soon.
Me! Can i join?
This clan sounds perfect for my wife she plays on ps4 is a day one player and has loads of experience and is pretty dam good (better than me) in the crucible lol
Well you have to admit that the other 30% are nice loving and helpful all others like that Christian clan that just started they are nice people to hang out with
Lol reason why females choose to have their own clan is because 70% of the dudes online are a bunch of weridoes.
Edited by LanaDelRey: 10/21/2015 10:34:17 AMI don't understand why people are accusing you guys of being sexist or elitist. You're trying to promote something positive in a world that's generally pretty toxic. Especially towards women/girls. How could that be perceived as anything but good and beautiful? Are the boys upset because they're being excluded? Sounds like a boy thing to do. I hope your clan continues to thrive. You're all wonderful. :]
That's so sexist it's a cool idea but still sexist
Edited by iDubstepFades: 10/22/2015 8:04:22 AMRecruiting for a clan called Tbagging Oryx need some girls it's a Xbox 360/xbone clan we are a small group but we would like to grow and we do raids and nightfalls every week uh hmu cx
Hello! Xbox One player here. I'm very interested in finding a clan/group that I can run raids and stuff with all the time. I'm especially wanting to get a group for hard mode's launch since I'm 307 with ToM and Black Spindle :3 My gamertag is Xepheriah
I'd love to join!
Edited by SynxOfficial: 10/21/2015 5:25:14 PMOffering my help to everyone and for everything! Means from simply questions till helping out with the raid :) Im play Destiny since Year 1 Vanilla and ive beaten all the raids over 40+ Just feel free to msg/add me on PS4 Got - 309 warlock - 308 hunter - 308 titan Cheers :)
Edited by DeannBrownn: 10/21/2015 2:58:39 AM
Looking for other ladies to play with on PS3! gsky420
Edited by Suplice: 10/20/2015 1:40:29 AMNo way?! LGBT awesome!