British people have got to be the most fun people to raid with. I mean, how can you not have a good time with their accents?.
Wheres the 800th edit?
The squeakers are pretty annoying, but I love the test of them.
Brit women give meh wood.
Thanks for the compliment friend, Us Brits love raiding with you guys as well. Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians and Americans FTW.
Agreed but Brit squeakers are BY FAR the most annoying.
Yea half my clan are british. Great guys too. Honestly prefer to raid with them over americans.
Hah we had one in our group for a Vault raid a couple days ago. It was pretty funny and he was a good player so it all worked out
My raid team is Scottish and Irish. I sit in Texas and try my hardest to understand them.
Haha the English guy I play with makes fun of my California accent. We end up just talking trash to each other the whole time.
Ik I just did vog with one recently it was awesome
Try a British accent mixed with a aussie ha thats me
I played with a group of Brits & then Irish. Made the mistake of asking where they were from in England lol! My favorite so far though I played with a group and I was the only white guy on the team that was hilarious to hear the way they interact and joke around was a lot of fun
I played with some Brit squeakers yesterday on VOG...I wanted to punch myself after that. That's squeakers, though. I enjoy raiding with Brits too.
Edited by cjodka37: 3/25/2015 9:37:25 PM
Ahhh When Brits say "Hawkmoon"
Looking to do normal Crota bridge cp, 31 hunter GT Jaba tF
On the record: as an American, I have an immense respect for our British friends. They kicked ass during WWII, they've stood by America through thick and thin, and they're entirely dependable.
I'm British, let's gooo
Most people from Britain are fine by me, but I have the unfortunate habit of running into the ones who take offense to EVERYTHING, yet anti-American hate literally dribbles from their mouths. And I'm not talking about the small shit that can be agreed to, like obesity rates, idiocy in many residents, or that many Americans can be rather arrogant towards the citizens of other countries, wherever they are. After a Nightfall with randoms, this one chick kept insinuating that ALL Americans were uncultured, gun loving, murderous swine. She actually said it a couple of times too. Luckily, she was with a friend who didn't feel the same way at all(he actually was a huge fan of American football). After she got logged off he apologized for her behaviour, then we ran some Crucible. I never meet Brits that rabid, but I commonly meet people who take offense to everything.
-blam!- alert!! Oh mah gawd 500 comments trends
[i]they speak in italics[/i]
The friendliest people I have ever raided with are British, Scottish, and Australian. That is in no particular order.
I always enjoy playing with folks from across the pond. Typically friendly, funny and laid back. The only problem is that sometimes the connections are bad and causes lag... but usually we can just work through it. Honestly it's one of the things I really like about sites like LFG.... I get to meet and play with people from all over the world that normal 'regional matchmaking' would prevent.
I'm a brit and not one person has ever commented on my accent or not being american.
Edited by Flobbarus: 3/25/2015 8:56:55 PMI'm British, and have a great time playing with Americans. I have no beef with anyone. I once joined a Spanish party and had to leave just because I couldn't understand anything. Not through ignorance or anything, I can speak French and German quite well. Best time I ever had in a raid was playing with a Scottish lad. When the first ogre appeared at the end of the maze he was the first to call it out. Everyone ripped their pants laughing, and he was duly named shrek for the rest of the raid. He took it like a champ and would keep calling out "hey watch out my brothers are on the way" every time an orge was near. Literally best raid experience ever ;)
Haha. As a Brit I love the southern states drawl. It's do relaxing! Makes me feel Zen.