Something attacked me, and I fell unconscious... When I woke up, I was upside down. Suspended to the ceiling of the temple. I swung from the rope I was tied to, and managed to get free of it: when I fell, however, I fell on a spike covered in [i]fresh[/i] blood. I pulled the spike out, but the blood never left my cut. As I stumbled through the temple, I went blind, but knew where to go: I realised I had the power of Time. I doubt it's a coincidence that Time appeared after Zara entered, and blood gave me the power of time.
I think the temple is Time's domain: the blood was that of some being similar to time, preserved by keeping the temple in stasis...
"Hmmm that's crazy! Are you still hurt?" [spoiler]Time was never in the temple, but in that place I could see you acquiring something random due to the nature of the place.[/spoiler]
Yeah, I'm still hurt from that spike... I should recover soon though. Also, I'm still blind - who knows how long.
But how can you be sure
"No way..." I whisper and wave my hand in front of your face. "You are blind." Just stating the obvious, I sit back in shock.
[spoiler]Because Time is my character lol[/spoiler]
*lies down and goes to sleep*