Edit: did not realize your comment was is regards to other comments. Disregard.
All good, in regards to your original comment though, why did you give the dlc 3/10? I'm curious because the dlc gave us more content than most other games do
I gave it points because it was larger, to include new musical pieces, more guns (including rares) and some story. It really lost out on points because the raid is soloable, it excluded non-purchasing players from what is already normal content (nightfall, weekly heroic, high tier strike list), it was supposed to fix the grevious story issues, and, assuming the release date of TDB and the assumed release of HoW, was supposed to last players 5 months, where the initial story only lasted 3. Unfortunately the expansion does place Destiny solidly as an RPG in development, so the expansion had to be placed against expansions of similar category. There for, it's competition is that of a Borderlands 2 dlc, than that of a CoD dlc.