How did Bungie go down from being a top tier game developer to this....
even the user rating is 6/10...
How much would YOU rate Destiny??
To me this game is a 6/10 mainly due to how addictive it is to play with others in strikes and raids... everything else needs MAJOR improvements and where is that story at?
but i did get my money's worth after 500ish hours
10/10 in my book, by far the most addicting, best FPS/CO-OP I've ever played in my life. Grindlife
10/10 lol
Edited by CrazyOlBlazed: 3/28/2015 4:52:32 AMAll I want to say is Ops name is destiny89 Destiny got a score of 76 Should have went with destiny76
I'd give it a solid 4/10
8/10 if they added trading and a few other things and made it a true mmo fps hybrid this franchise would be unstoppable but who knows if they can rebound from this
7/10. I love the game, though.
The sound is great. Graphics are great. Gameplay is great. I like the game. 9/10 in my opinion.
I would say its a solid "C". There are just so many better games.
6/10. Solid gameplay and nicely polished. But the story... JILFOIWERUJFOI*U(_I*@#(WERJGI:CD(Q)IU#JR:NHWOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [spoiler]KEYBOARD RAGE![/spoiler] [spoiler]The story is SHIT[/spoiler]
Edited by iMoto Bro: 3/28/2015 9:09:42 AMTypically people who enjoy something don't take the time to praise it. Meanwhile people who are displeased feel the need to pitch a fit and let everyone else know how displeased they are. That's why most reviews online are negative. I feel that I've got my money's worth out of the game so far and I got the Limited Edition which was $100. Plus HoW hasn't even come out yet, which I've already paid for. Is Destiny perfect? No, far from it, there's always room for improvement. Is it fun? Hell yes. Do I love it? Yes. Do I hate it? Sometimes. Do I regret my time spent on it? Nope, not one minute of it.
7.8/10. Too much water. ~IGN
Edited by DeusFever: 3/28/2015 12:47:18 AMIn my opinion, the Metacritic score is about right but for all the wrong reasons. Reviewers dinged Destiny for its story and repetitive gameplay. They should have looked at the frustrating multi-player, bug ridden raid, poor weapons balancing, and limited paths to the highest tier gear.
I'll give it a 7 for now
7.5/10. Royals need to get their head outta their a$s
5/10. Fun after the Beta levels, dull after a month.
6.5/10 I love the game, but it's not without its flaws. It's far too limiting, restrictive and based around luck.
10/10. The community is a solid -8.5/10.
6 as well. Why? Because even though the game is mostly average, it is a highly polished average game that's brought newer mmo/fps like mechanics into it as well which bumps it to a 6
7/10 because I enjoy the grind for some reason. But Bungie is a lying little -blam!-
Metacritic, ha
10/10 -blam!- you haters
I give the game an 8.5/10 But I give the community around the game a 5/10
Edited by sola gratia: 3/28/2015 2:29:13 AMThe hours of gameplay are only there because Bungie made it that way, they artificially extend the time you must grind in order to do certain shit. Time spent doesn't mean anything in this game when Bungie artificially extends it after release. Biased review: -900/10 Unbiased review: 4/10
10/10 there not to many games I can enjoy over 600 hr +
Id give it 7/10 since it has so many flaws about can be overlooked though thus community id give 3/10. Most (not all but most) are a bunch of assholes