Maybe your suffering from a lack of Marijuana.
Migraines make me blind in my right eye :(
I suffer from IBS and I can tell you I am definitely not marijuana deficient
Edited by An Aids quilt: 3/24/2015 4:40:35 AMI used to get migraines when I had a left eye for some reason[spoiler]I didn't cut my eye out[/spoiler][spoiler]but I smoke enough weed already so yeah one eyed stoner woooo![/spoiler]
I can promise you that I am not suffering from said lack of marijuana.
Explains why I have neither migraines or a asshole of a asshole.
Goodbye Talos :'(
Mary Jane cures ibs??? I must test this!
I have migraines now and then Marijuana costs money though and I can be in immense pain for free I choose free