Play the actual game you -blam!-, do a raid, once you are high enough level try a -blam!-ing nightfall, you can have your opinion but when you have barely done anything in the game and you say what have said you will be bagged on, asshole
I've done it all and sad to say he's pretty accurate ;)
Then leave
Shut up baby grimoire
Almost 2600 is high -blam!- tard
Yeah. Grinding the same mission over and over is fun. That's what games need to be good.
Then leave
I think it's boring and have left.
Then leave the forums please
Nope. Still read up to see if anything has changed...which it hasn't.
Nah. I like seeing pissed off desticles.
>implying I have to play more than 3 hours just to get to the "fun" part, that is bad game design.
The leave, dont need to here this over and over again
I have put more time than I like into this game and 100% agree with the OP. Except the gunplay is very smooth and clean, but the physics are shit.
Then leave
I have, tomorrow I'm getting bloodborne and will most likely never touch Destiny again, and will probably never purchase a game from Bungie or Activision again.
Sweet dont come back to thw forums
I can do what ever the fück I want. I'll stop reading the forums, when you stop sucking Bungie's dick and licking Activision's asshole.
First of all i never said anything about activision or bungie being good at all, they are companies that make games, some like them, some dont, just because i like them doesnt mean i am sucking their dicks, just because i tell a kid to actually play the game before saying shit about it doesnt mean i am licking their assholes, so take your dildo out of your ass and get a tampon, By the way you basically will be gone from the forums for me because you are muted :) have a great day asshat