originally posted in:Dads of Destiny GMT
I've made a DOB (dad's of battlefield) platoon for us dod guys, and others. Don't know if it's worth posting it on the dod.net forums or just leaving it for dod gmt guys?
If you've got hardline or are looking to get it, join DOB and stay playing with the guys you trust and can rely on from destiny...
just made the order mate, normally tomorrow i will have it ;-)
Is it good? Have been thinking about it, will be my first battlefield. Used to play CoD, and play BF4 for about a month or 2.
Just got today Bishop. Will join the clan!
Yep. Gonna buy it next week and get to know it during easter. Would love a chance to play with you Bish.
Is it any good? Been debating whether or not to try and break my Destiny addiction
Was a heavy battlefield bad 3/4 player... Haven't touched the game in a while, still of two minds regarding hardline.... Problem is bloodborne is out this week!
Wtf is going on lol I must be getting old as ive just spent the last hour getting killed and wondering what's happening .. Seems good though
I bought Battlefield Hard line tonight - not installing till weekend as I want to get a couple more raids in - and I'm afraid once I start on Hard line - Destiny will take a backseat !
Just installing as I type ;)
Edited by Calla1983: 3/23/2015 9:56:29 AMI have applied, but the bastard moderator won't let me in! Not bought it yet though, but fairly certain that I will.
Only hardline?