When you inspect the six man fireteam you're going up against and you see it coming before the match. 4+ defender Titans with Alpha Lupi and 1-2 golden gunning hunters.
What happens: Once all the Titans on the team have WoD bubble, they will go straight to the B zone. After stacking 4 armor bubbles on top of each other, the hunters walk through what is now an "unlimited super portal". Of course, the bubbles will build off of themselves so the orbs just keep coming. Meaning, yes, literally NON-STOP GG.
This has happened countless times in one iron banner to me. Now I just leave at the beginning if I suspect it.
The worst part is it turns any average player into a god for the time being. We were up 12k to 6k when they start cheating last night. Yes, it is cheating when you have a highly assisted OHK supercharged gun with at least 3 bullets all the time. Your argument is already invalid. Yes, a vortex nova bomb will clear the bubbles and so will FoH. The fact of the matter is it is extremely difficult to beat and I have yet to do so. I'm far from average in the crucible so when I can beat you, just take it haha
[spoiler]we lost[/spoiler]
If you haven't been victim to this, I fear, it won't be long. It's obviously the "new thing to do" in the crucible. I know the original video from gigglemonster on YouTube is still there(if it's not the original, I don't care).
Why do people exploit this game to this extent? Do you report them? Do you use this method?
EDIT: much strategy, pls teach. Thanks to everyone who isn't hiding in an armor bubble with their other bubble buds
EDIT: someone mentioned tacking orbs out of pvp. I think it's a perfect solution to abusing the system. Earning your own super as opposed to being handed one for running through a bubble is a solid fix.
From now on during crucible every guardian will get a flag on their belt, instead of shooting opposing players you will need to gently take the flag off of their belt to score a point, be careful no pushing. At the end of the game everyone must line up in the middle to shake hands and say "good game" and both teams win every game. [spoiler]its a game about killing the opposing players, any way u can get it done go for it[/spoiler]
1/10 would not bang.
Cool, let's take more and more out of crucible... Can't wait til we're running around with the starting gun only due to whiners. [spoiler]I have never used the bubble trick btw.[/spoiler]
FoH feels so good in there
For all the people saying oh Titan Smash them or Nova Bomb them.. Haha Yeah id like to see you even get close to the bubbles or get your super off before a Golden Gun blows you away. Don't like what they are doing then leave the game or sit afk. Simple as that.
Hmmm. You're up 12k to 6k, and they all run onto B to put bubbles. Turn your mic on and say to your team "don't go to B. We have the lead, the only way we can lose is by dying." Sit your ass right on A or C and wait for them. No it's not cheating. Yes it is a good strategy. Yes it can be countered.
Edited by HPNTK: 3/22/2015 11:40:52 AMdid you miss the part about there being 2 other capture points [spoiler]you suck[/spoiler]
Edited by GameSleepRepeat: 3/22/2015 11:29:28 AMWho the hell inspects the members of the upcoming fireteam? Jesus, man. Take a breath. Good lord.
News flash, if you don't run towards them, wait for the bubbles to go down, then attack you'll be FINE
Anyone who says this is cheating needs to go sit on a nail. It's a strategy. Period. It's done using valid game mechanics.
Just do what I do when this happens. Go hide in a corner. Crouch. Set your controller down. Go make a sandwich.[spoiler]leave the game once you get your token and find a new room.[/spoiler] I don't give them the enjoyment of killing me over and over .
What a sad day.... Ppl can't overcome something so they cry report or nerf.... I don't play pvp much except when I'm bored, but if I came up against this type of thing I'd have to give credit for the opposing team for doing it. It's an ability, it's in the game. Just because other people are playing smarter than you are.....u want to cry about it. A cheat would be finding a way to glitch out of the map and be able to shoot in but ppl can't shoot out...NOT USING A PART OF THE INTENDED GAME TO YOUR ADVANTAGE
Possibly get a titan from your team in to smash inside the bubbles killing everyone thus instantly eliminating all bubbles. Or a smash nova bomb combo? I have yet to see this. Interesting tactic.
get out
I've never done that, never seen that, and never heard about that til I read this post but........if you think its cheating you're an idiot. Sounds like good strategy to me. You can counter that by getting a lead early before they get their bubbles, then get your team (if organized) to just sit on the other side of the map away from them. You don't get points it you don't get kills and that would draw them out away from their bubbles looking for you! Don't cry about it, just play smarter!
It's pretty fun to do but we use bd for the hunters.
Using game mechanics is not cheating. If you're gonna cry go do it somewhere else.
Cheating?? You guys are all cry babies. I barely play PvP because I'm not all that great but just because they are using an ability to their advantage its not cheating. Theres no exploits, no hacks and no one is doing anything illegal or out of the boundaries of the game. If you don't like it then don't put up with it plain and simple. Everyone these days is so quick to say people cheat just because they can't overcome an obstacle in a video game. Either find a way to get back at them or just don't play. If you want to complain about multiplayer play CoD? Just a suggestion.
Edited by LoneInferno: 3/22/2015 11:13:52 AMToo much crying, not enough planning a counter strategy. They're not going to remove orbs just because you can't figure out a way around their clever strategy.
Coz its game mechanics at its finest. Not cheese.
Edited by TeddyBundy: 3/22/2015 10:51:07 AMWe've done that once in a Clash match...it was funny, but it's obviously an exploit and it's a shame if a team is really relying on it. We won 10000:1000 by the way and half of the other team left. It's not a legit strategy, it's the worst misuse of given opportunities. I'm with the idea of taking out orbs in PvP. The best way to avoid such things is to leave the matchmaking if you see a 5-6man team in the list. I never play against such a team if I'm with randoms.
I will advertise in LFG for this cheese, I'm interested to see how it works haha
While I understand it is clearly a broken system, using defender in PvP is rare. Finally it has a niche for something! Haha
I played with randoms and 4 of us had WoD we didn't do that but you would see bubbles practically everywhere and a lot of supers being used was funny...stack armor and blessing op lol
golden gun orb farmers are worse you can never spawn
I will post a video on counter strategy. It's not as op as you think