Zara woke from a cold sweat. Numerous images flashed in her mind and even awake she felt the dark weight of some terrible existence calling out to her. Quickly she leapt out of bed and leaned against the cold wall. It soothed her skin and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she slowly let her back slide down the wall until she was in a sitting position. And even then, her short fearful breath did not stop.
[spoiler]Kyaa! First post~! XD[/spoiler]
First post bump?
[spoiler]IDK I think you guys RP a little differently than I am used to. Grammatically correct, paragraph style, T fighting, etc. [/spoiler]
I would love to RP like this, but others are more to the point about it. And blunt.
Ah I see, well I will attempt to conform. It's always nice to learn new ways of RP'ing.
Sorry I was just stalking you from the darkness
Shrieks in shock and anger. "Well that's a terrible way to turn a nightmare into a horror!!!! Why I never in my life! You... You..." I grab my already laid out fresh clothes and head to the bathroom to change out of my pjs still berating you for such a dirty trick. ".... Gone before I, I get out!"