Idk if it's been mentioned before or not so Im sorry, don't flame me for repost. Buuuuuuuut anyway to the good stuff. BRINGZ THE CTF PLZZZ! I know I can't be the only mofo here who wld enjoy the hell out of some good ol CTF. Im not saying it should be a permanent mode, (god knows I'd love it if it was tho), but if it was an event like IB tht wld be cool too. What do my fellow players think??
CTF, king of the hill or multi team. I'm down for any of those. Or something dumb like swords vs relics.
Something like search and destroy (from cod because of Activision) would be Hella fun but you must have a mic to play.
I replay and I think having many game modes will improve pvp
Dam not one reply 😭