I've seen the icon pictures, the 3D renders, screen shots of Titans and Hunters wearing exotic faction class items. I've searched more than a few combinations of keywords. Why do absolutely none of us know anything about these class items?
I have a passionate need to know,
1. Random rank up reward? How get? Is your rep rank past 3 at all a factor?
2. Why are they exotic? Abilities?
3. Do they prevent you from equipping an exotic armor piece?
4. Are these even real, like does anyone /actually/ exists that has one?
I saw the exotic FWC butt cape and cape once. I thought I did. The more I've searched since I thought they were what I was looking at the less certain I am that they're even in circulation in the game at all. FFS someone give me some real bit of information on these, please?
Edit: According to[url=http://www.destinydb.com/items/3208101038-cloak-of-oblivion] this[/url], from the Destiny Database, as of 5 days ago the exotic class items were no longer available in game. I didn't see a source but WTF is going on with that?
What's datamined is not a promise of what's suppose to be in the game. They never existed.