Bless you Walnut, bless you and Vex for taking control of this. I was off working on some papers when I come back to this... Brady is soooo f*cking dead when all the Alts get deleted.
Thank you
All my alts except 1 are connected to xbox and psn accounts. I'll still be here, buddy.
You're a tough bastard to get rid of, you know that right? Nice work with the forgery, you had all of us fooled. Asshole.
The Impersonator isn't my work, however the images are [b]REAL[/b]. The Emperor wanted revenge on the Sovereignty without getting his hands dirty.
I will deal with that later, but for now... Now is the time to stop another revolution. I must be a real thorn in the ass of whoever keeps on starting this right?
You didn't save anything.