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3/19/2015 11:30:16 PM

Slight Improvements To Gameplay

Ok, well today I recently just created my second character and I can not lie, but having to watch these cutscenes w/o the ability to skip them is literally one of the most annoying this in the world. I see no need to watch these cutscenes all over again. Why can't I skip cutscenes it's not that hard to implement. Additionally, after being very well experienced with the hunter class I feel the hunter lacks that PvE advantage all other classes have. First, the bladelancer subclass is not ideal to a very aggressive player. If you in fact try to use bladelancer in PvE HM chances are you will die since they will one-hit melee you. Secondly, the gunslinger class' Golden Gun is absolutely useless when it comes to boss fights, it essentially does no damage at all. I feel an improvement to this would just be to up the critical damage the Golden Gun has. This is a slight fix since the Golden Gun is already pretty accurate to hit those critical shots, also they wouldn't need to fix anything in regard to The Crucible since Golden Gun is already a one-shot kill regardless anywhere. Having that increased critical damage would just be there for the purpose of at least giving the hunter an aggressive outlook in PvE instead of having to stay back. Lastly, as I played through my second character I could not help to notice how a male character's voice sounds sort of identical to the ghost's. This is just for a little more customization, but I feel it could be pretty interesting if we had the option to choose our character's voice. Secondly, it would be even crazier and cooler if we actually had the opportunity to assign their D-Pad animations am I right? So all in all please give me what you guyses take are on my ideas and suggestions. Do you agree with them, disagree let me know and hopefully we can get this noticed by the Devs and hopefully get them implemented. I feel these slight game add-ons would make it just a little more enjoyable and more free for the community to do more stuff.

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