Yes, He is. He loved us enough even after we disobeyed Him to give us a way out of the sinful mess we created. He came and lived a sinless life and then willingly shed His guiltless blood for us. Now, He can't make us accept his sacrifice. We still have to choose that.
And why do you believe this, the bible does not count as a reliable source. You need actual proof of existence and an old book does not fill that.
That's where faith gets involved. I have faith that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God. A lot of things in the Bible have been archaeologically proven. But there are parts of His word that we have to have faith in to believe. I equate it to my interactions with my daughter. She can believe me when I tell her to not touch the stove because it's too hot and it'll hurt her. Or she can not believe me and experience it for herself and learn that I only want what's best for her.
Historical setting doesn't make the fictional story true.
That's where my faith steps in. I don't need for the whole Bible to be proven for me to believe that it is true. There are some parts that are hard for my natural mind to comprehend, but I don't let that deter me from the whole thing.
But you let the bible deter you from science?
I believe that God gives us the knowledge and understanding that we discover on a daily basis. To get back to the original debate, the evolutionary theory hasn't been proven to be undeniably true. Scientists on both sides have neither proven nor disproven it. Evolutionists say that it is mostly proven, so it must be true. Darwin, in his twilight years, even admitted that he didn't believe it. Mankind hates what it doesn't understand, that's not a bad thing. But, I believe, there will be things that we won't ever understand because we would have to have the intellect of God. That doesn't mean that we don't continue learning new things, through science. I just don't believe that it will disprove God's word.
How does it disprove god? And if all natural evidence on earth points to evolution then its safe to say its true. We still have mor to learn about it, but its true
You're over generalizing. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that help make evolutions case, but that doesn't make it fact. In the same vein that those that don't believe in God say they want physical proof that God exists, I would say that I will say that evolution is undeniably true if a monkey walks out of the forest and starts a conversation with me. Believe evolution if you want to and I won't denigrate or think you're dumb. I just would like the same treatment.
Edited by Britton: 3/20/2015 1:41:26 AMOK, let's put it this way, show me anything that [b]doesnt[/b] align with evolution. Preferably something with scientific evidence.
What I'm trying to say is that if evolution were fact, then throughout recorded time we would have an example where an ape SOMEWHERE would have evolved into what we know as a human. I don't have to disprove evolution. I'm just saying that evolution has to prove itself to me and it hasn't done that. I can present what I believe to you, some of it has been archaeologically proven, some of it has to be taken by faith. I don't get uptight that you don't believe me, why does it bug you that I don't believe you?
It did. Were it.
You're not understanding me. What I mean is that if evolution were true, it wouldn't have stopped. That there would still be apes walking out of the woods constantly because they'd finally evolved into a human. Also, is human all we're ever to be? Why aren't we evolving into something else?
Incorrect. The natural selection factors from then and now are different. And evolution hasn't stopped. Search around, things are still changing around us. As far as human evolution, we have almost completely overcome natural selection with modern medicine. So the forces acting on our own evolution are very weak right now.
You haven't told me anything new. We can go round and round with generalizing statements. I didn't say anything incorrect. I said that you can't give me any example where evolution has continued to work. Obviously true, because this isn't the first time I've had this debate. Natural selection I do believe in. Natural selection says "the strong survive over the weak". In nature that is undeniably true, unless someone strong helps or defends the weak. I believe that Christ did that, and instructs those that believe in Him to do the same.
Let me guess, you don't consider a species changing to its environment evolution.
I'm not saying that a species can't adapt to its environment. I'm just saying that I don't believe that we evolve into something else entirely.
Well you don't have to worry about it because it won't happen in your lifetime.
You might be right about that. But if it does, I'll admit that I was wrong.
Speciation is a proven thing.
You and I are clearly not going to persuade each other of anything. I hope you have a good life. Good night.
The difference is one of us understands reality, the other warps it to fit their religious beliefs.
Believe what you will. As will I. Once again, have a good rest of your night.
You too.
Yes but there is a stove for your hand to be burned, and it is right there. You don't have that in your case.
It's a small analogy for a bigger point. God instructs His children who will listen to him that sin is in the world. He instructs us on how to conduct our lives so that we don't have to suffer the consequences of sin.