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Edited by GamePlayin: 3/19/2015 8:32:27 PM
Yes evolution is a fact. But did you know... That ancient extraterrestrial visitors very well could have manipulated a random persons DNA so when he went to go have sex and have kids... Those kids would be a new generation of us who we are today. I mean its hard to believe. And its something to take under consideration.... Buy its said that the first human being was supposed found in Africa 200,000 years ago. And earth is like 5 billion years old..... I think... Before dinosaurs .. I bet there were human... Or some other intelligent live. Inhabitating this beautiful planet. I mean... We have alien visitors today.... Why wouldnt they come here in our said 200,000 human evolutionary time span? There a ppainted picture of virgin Mary holding Jesus with a UFO over her shoulder with a guy staring at it in the background.[spoiler]and I see a lot of people saying evolution. Is not real, saying that we didn't evolve from monkeys.... I watched countless documentarys ... Some claim that we don't because there needs to be at least 2 more skeletal changes for us to get from monkeys to humans..... I still think it was aliens... I think aliens played a huge part in our whole planet... Dinosaurs... And us humans.... Literally. Hahahaha. They're fckin real guys..[/spoiler]

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