Possible leak for new DLC weapon???
Of course it's fake. What's the gun image from though? That gun looks nifty as hell.
It's a............[spoiler]paintball gun[/spoiler]
I know it's fake but...why in the hell would a primary have ammo regen?
420 attack?
Just threw up from the photoshop
Bad editor is bad. Thats a photoshopped fusion rifle
Looks fake. The barrel is clocked down towards the screen at a 40 degree angle. Guns in the game always point at a 20 degree angle. [spoiler]Nice try.[/spoiler]
Yikes photoshop job is what I see...
Troll is bad troll
Definitely fake
Would be cool, but looks fake. I mean look at the perks. -ammo regen - it's solar damage but the text isn't solar text colored -focus fire on a scout rifle? Or It could be a precision bonus just like NLB. -it's exotic perk is custom optics? The sights are red dot style sights. You usually see that only on scopes. Or it can be like something we've never seen before like the Vex. It defies all fusion rifle rules.
That impact tho
OMG that's a ugly antenna...oh wait that's a gun???
Fake for several reasons. -Solar Damage and No Backpack...hmm wonder what that was ripped from -second set of perks only has 2 perks (which only occurs with rares) -Glass half full can't be one of the three that is in the second set of perks -Custom Optics (and yes that is what the last perks icon is) can't be a second to last perk -No scout rifles (even exotics) can get focused fire. -Iron sights and what looks to be a laser pointer....seriously, every gun in this game even with iron sights has a red dot, this is a terrible design. -Gun has 420 attack and looks like the person that made it tried their hardest to make it look like blunt (within reason) 5/10 because the person at least tried.
op as f-k
Looks fake...
Your a scrub.
You already know it fake by the name lol