Oh look another pvp douche. I hate pvp if I wanna fight other people I'll go get in a fight in a bar or something. I play video games for the lack of reality they offer. Not so I can proclaim my button pushing skill is far greater than thine. If they removed Crucible from Destiny altogether I wouldn't even realize it unless someone brought it to my attention. That being said I am glad it is what makes you happy and any others that enjoy it. But it isn't for everyone and I will never play any game that is exclusively pvp. So hush up little pvp douche and go tell your mommy you pushed a button faster than someone else and perhaps she will give you a cookie.
Lol. Yeah you're a real badass. Fighting in da bars but don't have the balls to set foot in the Iron circuit.
Dumb dumb it's a game how does it take balls to play a game?
You tell me. You're the one that can't even muster up the courage to enter the banana.
I enter it every day it just don't need to be good at it to be happy and enjoy the game. You obviously put way too much value into an aspect of a game. If that is the only thing that makes you any good then you have far bigger problems than wether or not raids should get a player to 32.
Shouldn't you be out in a bar fight or something?
Not yet still at work maybe later.