Is it just me, or recently are all these christmas noobs posting on lfg as 30/31s and turning VoG HM into a shit fest.
I mean come on everyone. It is called a "SUPER". Your most powerful move. You ever wonder why your super charges so fast in the shield? Because bungie wanted you to use them. If everyone used their super. Atheon goes down IN 10 SECONDS. Ghorn is ok to use, if you are a defender. And if you have a double gernade perk. Use those first.
I swear these new guys. Thinking you need blackhammer. We did that shit for months with out it!
But I digress. Stop using your guns during times vengence. Supers only
Second edit: Seriously guys. I am 100% not TROLLING. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I AM TRYING TO HELP NEW PEOPLE
Third edit: Because all you noobs are too dumb. Here is a test.
Shoot a captain with a one sniper bullet. Does he die? No. Use one super on same captain. He dies. Why? Because the super is stronger. Now Time's Vengence multiples total damage out put. So why not multiple your strongest attack. You all just need to think about it and stop being so stupid.
Edit 4: Seriously everyone? Still don't believe me, well fine. Here, I recorded my fire team and I using supers only. Here the video. THIS IS PROOF IT WORKS.
Edit 5: Final edit. Everyone, accept it. This method is the best. All your icebreaker and blackhammer pale in comparison. SUPERS ARE THE BEST WAY TO KILL HIM.
JLanderos, not a troll. A community guide
For a couple of weeks I've been running VoG on HM with my clan for the Exotic drop chance and I still need a Vex anyway. Whenever we get to the Atheon part we always give the reminder, no grenades, no rockets, turn off explosive rounds, etc... and sure enough while a number of us are trying to use black hammer Atheon starts moving around. At that point someone just has to ask why he is moving and it is always the same guy saying that he is using Gjallahorn, plus he usually screws up jumping out of the bubble and blows himself up. So we finally convinced him to stop with Ghorn one time which gave us somewhere between 3-5 black hammers with weapons of light and we took him down in a single teleportation cycle. Afterwards the guy commented that he finally got why we didn't want him using Ghorn. His whatever damage he was doing for himself vs 3-5 people with 20,000 damage a shot.