I hate how one of the weekly strikes
REQUIRE you to have TDB expansion; it makes me sick with anger whenever I ask my friend "Hey wanna run through the nightfall strike with me real quick?" and he replies "Nope, can't. It's omnigul." My friend doesn't have the expansion pack. The hell, Bungie?!?! My friend could have gotten an exotic, or a weapon that is absolutely OP in the crucible, but you deny him that chance because of this.
He can't get above level 30 either, so that means he gets stomped in the Iron Banner. (There's some Pay To Win for ya.) He can't get HoC and doesn't have G-horn, so it takes forever to find a VoG group that isn't full of the kind and intelligent elitists that we all know and love.
There are even places that are from the HoW that people have [i]already glitched into[/i]! (I've done it myself.) The $hit that we are all psyched to throw our money at is already in the game! Why are they making us pay for something that is already in the game?!
I'm so afraid that this rumored "Comet, Plague of Darkness" Mega DLC will also feature the content for the other two remaining DLCs. The Comet bs will be so full of Pay To Win/Play at this rate. What if the rumored new subclasses are OP? What if the weapons in this expansion are OP?
The bungie I know wouldn't do this. (Hell, any smart company wouldn't do this...)
If you don't like speculation then don't read this spoiler. [spoiler]I personally think it's Activision's fault. Bungie never did anything of this magnitude to us loyal fans before they paired up with Activision. They were great to their crowd when they were paired up with Microsoft, even.[/spoiler]
Hope you enjoyed my rant. I'll be adding edits later on.
Edit 1: I play with him on PS3. He got his own a long time ago, and he got Destiny for his birthday from another friend.
Edit 2: You guys totally are right about the term Pay To Play and how I should have expected a lot of expansions. Don't get me wrong, I like the dark below. But I really think that having to pay for content that's already in the game is fuqed up. I don't believe that you should have to pay again for something that you already paid for.
Edited by raj: 3/19/2015 2:55:03 AMLol you're still worried about being locked out of a single nightfall when you really need to be worried about them scaling the nightfalls up to 32 when HoW drops and you're locked out of all of them. Time to get a job or quit.
It cost money to maintain and developed new stuff. Whether they are making us pay for something that's already in the game or not doesn't bother me either. I just want this game to be as good as they hyped it up to be. If they can make this game better than it currently is then I'll spend the money to play it.
Not to be rude, but it's hard to believe threads like these still get posted. Here's my perspective: While it's true that [b]areas[/b] of The Dark Below and House of Wolves are already on disc, that doesn't mean all the content is on the disc. The designers need to already have the skeleton of the maps, guns, etc. laid out first or else they would need to completely build all the DLC's from scratch. Now, Bungie and Activision are high-end corporations that had a business plan laid out for Destiny. That includes a timeline and a release schedule for additional content. Now in order to stay professional and on point with their schedules and releases, they had to make sure that when the game released, they were already thinking ahead to House of Wolves. So when they built the game they had to build the layouts for the other DLC's. If they did not, then the wait between expansions would be more like half a year to a year. You are [b]not[/b] paying to just "unlock" content that's on disc. The entire Crota's End raid was not just "locked" content on the disc. It had to be built, tested, scrapped, rebuilt, retested, polished, and then released. Not to mention the additional story missions, dialogue, weapons, strikes, etc. that came with The Dark Below. If all of those were "locked" content then it would have been leaked by data miners A LONG TIME AGO. Proof of this is the fact that even though certain images, sprites, placeholder names, etc. have been leaked from the House of Wolves but [b]nothing definitive[/b] such as actual story layouts, raid mechanics, strike layouts, etc. TL;DR Bungie is a game company with a plan. DLC's need to be planned out and have foundation laid out to build on to cut down on wait times and meet deadlines. [b]Content[/b] is not "locked on disc" only [b]FOUNDATIONS[/b] Hopefully this clears up any misconceptions.
Suck it up fgt
DLC areas are on the game so you don't download 4 GB per DLC. The areas are there, the missions and stories and weapons are not.
"Pay to Play" Well no shit. "Pay to Win"? Now that's a problem
Look bungie wants to extend this game 10 years (what I've heard not confirmed) well to do this they have to get income somehow to maintain updates, server maintanence, and other overhead. Yes they aren't perfect but if they made each area in the game only unlock able by paying so that they can remain in business I will pay as long as they do what they promise keep it fun and doesn't overcharge us for the content.
Beams Fuel can't melt steel jet
Whua? You can get to level 31 just using the vanguard and use the iron banner to get lv 32 since he sells armour of 36 light sooooo.
Xbox live pay to play. It REQUIRES you to pay to unlock online capabilities already on the console!
Just like every other game really.
At least your not an Xbox player or you'd really be pissed...
Edited by Sir Maximoose: 3/19/2015 2:01:45 AMNo, this isn't pay to win. Clash of clans is pay to win. Angry birds is kinda getting pay to win now. A game with DLC =/= p2w A game with micro transactions and huge limits without buying extra currencies etc. (Rushing builds on games like Dungeon Keeper for example) is p2w, because you basically have to keep putting money in the game to be able to put time into it. This isn't what Destiny does. You can play the game without the DLC. The things you're limited on without paying are 2 levels, a raid and a strike. A pay to win game wouldn't even let you play the game for more than half an hour without either putting money into it or making you wait 24hrs to play it again. Edit: read your last edit after going on that little rant sorry lol
Edited by DatNeon: 3/19/2015 1:56:13 AMFirst off, it really doesn't cost much to get the dlc. This is coming from a younger player who doesn't have a job and who's parents don't just buy them everything. Second, you can get to level 31 buy buying vendor gear, which is available whether you have the dlc or not. Third, the rocket thing? Really? Groups should not require you to use rockets against aetheon. Lmgs are better for him unless everybody is using Ghallahorns. Lastly, just because certain areas are in the game doesn't mean they were completed, maybe it just makes it easier to program them later if they have the basic areas in. (That's just a speculation tho) but seriously, why wouldn't you get the dlc? Some people are willing to spend like 20$ a month for most "pay to play" games with subscriptions. I think 20$ every few months isn't too bad.
Seriously. $60 dollars and you expect me to pay more for something I can't do?
Although I agree with the Activision part.
It's end game content bud. You have the base end game content. We get the expanded end game content while you get....bent.
its one week, chill tf out
He can get past level 30 he can get 31 with factions gear and it's only $20.Thats about how much you spend on food in 2 or 3 days
So he can afford the $70 to buy the game and another $200-$400 for a console but not a $20 DLC? The company needs to make money an i understand that. Quite complaining and buy the damn DLC and help Bungie make the game into what we always wanted it to be.
This troll right here
Mow a lawn, shovel some snow. The time he spends playing can be used to make 20 dollars. If he is truly that strapped for cash, he shouldn't be time playing video games. Get a job. If he's in school, work around it.
Tell your friend to go now someone's lawn.
Lol you noob you can get to 31 without dlc from the vendors in the tower
I agree with you, this should be a update not a dlc, dlcs are supposed to add new content, new weapons, new maps... But paying for something that's already in the game, and paying for the other half of the game, this is why I'm leaving if I need to pay for comet
Who says u need a ghorn or hoc for vog???? That's sounds so retarded