I hate how one of the weekly strikes
REQUIRE you to have TDB expansion; it makes me sick with anger whenever I ask my friend "Hey wanna run through the nightfall strike with me real quick?" and he replies "Nope, can't. It's omnigul." My friend doesn't have the expansion pack. The hell, Bungie?!?! My friend could have gotten an exotic, or a weapon that is absolutely OP in the crucible, but you deny him that chance because of this.
He can't get above level 30 either, so that means he gets stomped in the Iron Banner. (There's some Pay To Win for ya.) He can't get HoC and doesn't have G-horn, so it takes forever to find a VoG group that isn't full of the kind and intelligent elitists that we all know and love.
There are even places that are from the HoW that people have [i]already glitched into[/i]! (I've done it myself.) The $hit that we are all psyched to throw our money at is already in the game! Why are they making us pay for something that is already in the game?!
I'm so afraid that this rumored "Comet, Plague of Darkness" Mega DLC will also feature the content for the other two remaining DLCs. The Comet bs will be so full of Pay To Win/Play at this rate. What if the rumored new subclasses are OP? What if the weapons in this expansion are OP?
The bungie I know wouldn't do this. (Hell, any smart company wouldn't do this...)
If you don't like speculation then don't read this spoiler. [spoiler]I personally think it's Activision's fault. Bungie never did anything of this magnitude to us loyal fans before they paired up with Activision. They were great to their crowd when they were paired up with Microsoft, even.[/spoiler]
Hope you enjoyed my rant. I'll be adding edits later on.
Edit 1: I play with him on PS3. He got his own a long time ago, and he got Destiny for his birthday from another friend.
Edit 2: You guys totally are right about the term Pay To Play and how I should have expected a lot of expansions. Don't get me wrong, I like the dark below. But I really think that having to pay for content that's already in the game is fuqed up. I don't believe that you should have to pay again for something that you already paid for.
Except you can get to 31 easily without TDB :/
Buying the game=pay to play...
Why shouldn't they put dlc strikes in the rotation? The people who bought it should be able to play it
Didn't Halo have DLC and expansions? Yeah, bungie made that. Go play super mario
You are a RIOT! You think Bungie owes you because you didn't buy the expansion? Weekly and nightfall strikes are not a right. They are an event. If that event occurs on a DLC strike, you watch that week. I've got news for your bud, even if he had the DLC, it doesn't mean he wouldn't have gotten shards in the NF like 40% do nor would it have affected his raid drop rate. And what item is in the DLC that's "pay to win?" Dragon's Breath? 4th Horseman? No Land Beyond? LOL!!! If you only had one valid point....
If it's that big of a deal to you maybe you should buy the DLC for him.
Whiny, self entitled children in here. Nothing to see. Move along.
That's how they make others who haven't bought the dlc, buy the dlc. It's all about $$$. They can care less about your friend.
You obviously have never played an mmo in your life
Go cry MOAR! QQ tell him to spend the $20 and get over it. Dumb kids.
Just by dbl like everyone else
Your friend denied himself that chance, not Bungie. So we shouldn't have anymore Omni NF and screw over DLC buyers because of non DLC players... Riight.
I'm just curious. Do you buy new clothes as you grow or they wear out and become tattered, or do you go complain to the store that you should get some new clothes for free?
Why should someone get everything when they didnt pay for it? Guess what thats how it works the more money you spend the farther you go, you dont want to pay then you dont get all the shiny new stuff. Besides all that they are supposed to be working out bugs for HoW so its not as bad as TDB was
This is not pay to play. Fifa is an example of a game that is " pay to play" meaning you have to pay really money to use the best items in the game. Dlc's are and will always be part of destiny so accept it or move on
Tell them to get a job.
He can still be 32 if he gets ib gear...