Yeah, no hand outs here. I actually earned my Red Death.
I earned it because I had to grind the weekly multiple times every week, and bore myself to tears in an attempt to get coins. I also had to grind out the hours of the days, weeks, and months anxiously awaiting Xur to have red death again.
So if you think that's less of a grind than getting lucky on the roll of a rng die, congrats, you are what's wrong with this game.
Thank you, and good day.
I don't have it but none of these exotics are freaking earned! t(-_______-)t The closest to an exotic being earned are the exotic bounties because you have to grind to get the actual bounty & then to complete the steps! (Vex also) So did I earn my 1st & 2nd thunderlords because I beat the stupid nightfall ? No exotic is "earned" so shut up & quit saying it is when you get it by a computed chance. Here Ya go.