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Starting about 20:30 gmt
All dad's are welcome.
It will be a first come first served. Post normal, hard, class/level/rocketlancher.
Swordbearer Tutorial.
Hard Mode Guide.
Fireteam 1 " The Pigs"
1. Pricey684
2. Barnsee66
3. E7r5i1k
4. Gavinsonic74
5. Singo4321
6. Wdy999
Fireteam 2 (Normal) " MoonRunners "
1. Gavinsonic74
2. Singo4321
3. Twisterphil - W32/Hoc
4. Ninjamac73 - H31/Dragon
5. Bombjak - W31
6. Gavin21971 - H31/Truth
Fireteam 3 (Normal) 21:30 gmt " The Alley Cat's "
1. Krk63 - H32/Jelly
2. Jaundicedoutlook - W31/Hoc
3. Cl3RICx2 - W31/Admon
4. Trekkie - H31/Jelly
5. Dubcat - W31/
6. G8sy - H31/Truth
Fireteam 4 (Normal) " Electric Eliminators "
1. Pricey684
2. E7r5i1k
3. KrK - W,T32/Hoc
4. Xraystan - T31/???
5. Prisoneroflife - W31/HoC
6. Ricehard44 - T31/
Firteam 5 (Normal) " Savage Hungs "
1.Pogijiraiya67 - All31/
2. Sowndwave7247 - T31/Truth
3. Orbitspacecadet - T31/Truth
4. Tuomasw - T31/Veledic
5. Smithy22777 - T31/jelly
6. Gazwhit - T31/Truth
Fireteam 6 (Hard) " Hi - Hats "
1. C20vch - H32/Hoc
2. Smokinmonkey - All31/jelly
3. Toomasp - W32
4. III Retro III - H32
5. Immortalised - T32
6. Gadzooks1980 - HW31
Fireteam 7 (Normal) " Saracens "
1. elGrafico - W31
2. Funkademic - T,W30/Cure
3. Rocky - W31/HoC
4. FeztheBlue - T32/Jelly
5. Lablmb - T,H31/Truth
6. Mharding316 - T31
Fireteam 8 (Hard) " Rogues "
Fireteam 9 (Normal) " The Riffs "
1. Ehstown - T29
2. Raulariel - H31
3. Elcallo - W31
4. Gefam - H32
5. Donjoolsee
Fireteam 10 (Normal then Hard) " The Boppers "
1. Calla1983
2. Cyan74DK - TH32
3. EM79
4. Dowie1979
5. Kid710823
6. Rebstet60
1. Shiro_Hagen
2. Wizzer43
On heck of a racer! - old
Really good run on hard for group 6. We almost killed Crota but decided to save it for later in the week. Cheers Pricey for organising.