I have put 18 days in to this game. Doing 3 hard Vogs, 3 hard Crotas, and 3 nightfalls a week to trying and get this launcher. And then my friend who has put about a couple of days with 1 character gets a Galajorn from a VOG raid and then another from the bloody Cryptar package! IS THIS FAIR?!
No, but rgn grants people with less skill the guns. I got over 900 hours played, 3 32's, full raid gear all weapons from both raids, every exotic beside necrochasm, 4th horseman and Gjallarhorn. But yet ive seen the gally drop 3 times as i solo normal for friends. I think its bs but no one on my friends list comes close to my skill level... Perhaps thats what is happening to you? Lol I think its about our time to get one.