mine would be eating sherbet whats yours?
edit 1: seems the hand is a mighty funny tool to work with
edit 2: must use you whole hand not only fingers, typing, mouse, ect
edit 3: I'm enjoying the food related and the master category ones :)
edit 4 if ya scratch any part of you body you get the spore super(release the spores super infect nearby enemies to fight along with you!)
edit 5: if you wipe your butt you get the wipe super similar to atheons oracles
edit 6: if ya do the master bates then you get [spoiler]shotgun dick super[/spoiler]
Cleaning pools... Pole of The Traveler Use your light to form a giant skimmer net to detain the enemy. Melee button to swipe. Mods: Chemical warfare: net drips with hydrochloride acid damaging the enemy over time Unsatisfied customer: super ability lasts twice as long GTFO: upon super activation it starts to rain and you may fling your enemy into the ditch and dump all chemicals for extra damage by pressing fire button. This ends the super.