Currently my master Dolphinizer is bant but here is his design.
Interesting will start mass production as soon as I get the blueprints
Edited by Dolphinizer Alt: 3/16/2015 9:39:07 PMTo make it we will require A flux capacitor 3 meters of aluminum nitrate plated magnoweave coil 18 Heavy duty steel bolts 3 solar energy converters hydro-resistant and oxide-resistant armour painting 50 litres of salt water And oxidizer 2 KY5400 mini cold fusion reactors 2 Electric ACME mech legs 2 Electric ACME mech arms Fusion engines 1 Plasma cannon 8 tons of titanium Strontium lined tube Water tank Various nuts and bolts Connect the flux capacitor to the magnoweave coil then connect the coil to the solar converters. Then connect the cold fusion reactors to the fusion engines. After this is done you will clip the water tank onto a plate of hydro-resistant armor plating. Attach the strontium lined tube to the tank and then it is just a matter of attaching the legs arms, plasma cannons and armor plating to finish it off. You will have to make some plating for yourself with the titanium. The estimated cost is 134,000,000,000$
[quote] The estimated cost is 134,000,000,000$[/quote] [quote]134,000,000,000[/quote] Seriously pls tell me this is for more then one
Oh yeah thats for a bulk pack of 500
Oh ok that seems a little better