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Edited by king kavman: 3/17/2015 1:39:41 AM

Why are some 32s such dicks

I see a lot of post from both lower lvl saying that 32s are dicks and then there are a lot of 32s that won't help lower lvl players I just don't get y 32s are like that I mean we all started at the same place someone at some point so y would u act like you don't know what it's like. I personally love helping and teaching lower ppl how I do the raid ls or even learn some ways that other ppl do it. I mean I have all 32s so what else do I really have to do in this game. I carry 30s thru the hard raid and 27s thru the normal raid. Idk maybe I'm just different. If your on Xbox one hit me up kavman1990 Also check out me stream Edit: I have been made aware that you cannot see anything on my profile not sure why that is will work on that. Edit 2: post your gt and what console you are on. Let's start getting these ppl rdy for house of wolfs Edit 3: I didn't think this post would grt this big. I am trying to reply to all the comments but that is starting to look impossible so thank you to all that commented even those who don't agree this is a forum for everyone to express there thots. Glad to see we are all still frosty P.S. I have all three 32s even tho u can't see it on my profile add me if you don't believe or add me if u need help or jus wanna have another raid friend all are welcome. God bless.

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  • I help newbies through the raids when I can. all 32s are not jerks

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    2 Replies
    • I'm on Xbox one. GT is the same as name here. I raid with a good group of guys, but unfortunately they're all mostly 6 hours ahead of me and my schedule is much different now than in the winter. Would love to get a steady group to raid weekly in the evening.

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      • I only run nightfalls with lvl 27-29 people. If you're 30+ and you can't solo nightfall...I just help lower levels. On another note, people with 3 32's have to run 3 crota's end, 3 atheon/gorgon, 3 nightfalls/weekly heroic. Just grindy stuff so I understand why they just want to get in, do what they have to do and leave.

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        • Why are some lower levels such whiners? If the content was meant for higher level players than they should be allowed to look for higher level players. If you can find somebody to carry you through, great but it shouldn't be expected that all higher levels help lower levels. Maybe it's because they don't want somebody who doesn't put the same time and effort into the game to get the same reward or just don't have the time or patience for it. You are a lower level, and therefore less experienced. You have no right to judge the views of higher level players unless you are on a second character or have also been in their shoes

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          • I don't mind helping anyone as long as they're not a complete idiot.

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            • The thing that gets me is the MAXED GALLYS and MAXED ICEBREAKERS lvl 32s only posts that flood the lfg sites and parts on this forum. We were ALLLLL there at one point play the game and have some fun and once and a whole help a guy out. Cause you wouldn't have figured the raid out or gotten through it with out help the first few times.

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            • They were dicks before they ever heard of destiny.

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              • At least you put the word "Some" in there. I can't tell you how many times I come across these types of posts that will just generalize a whole based upon a few experiences they had.

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              • If anybody would like to team up & do some raids, Nightfalls, strikes, please send me a friend request on Xbox one. My Gamertag is RetroKiddBfMV. My hunter is level 24 but that's because I don't have any one on destiny to play with so my experience is limited. I mostly play on PS3 so I've done everything. Just can't do it on Xbox one.

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                3 Replies
                • Im generally nice, but when I get spammed for help when I'm already helping...... I'm not.

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                  • Go get good and then u can ask this prick why

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                    3 Replies
                    • You suck! I carried you to 32 son! Lol

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                      • I'm a 32 but I don't consider myself to be a dick, I am very patient and will go into raids with low levels even if it takes us multiple times to get it. A lot of people just don't understand that others can't play destiny 24/7 and have the only sun they sun be solar grenades

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                      • Being a dick isn't a 32 problem, it's a human problem.

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                        • Because there are a bunch of A-holes that play destiny. It sucks. Anyway, they are usually elitist prick's so if they don't have luck on their side, they delete characters and relevel over and over so they can try to finish that set - it's sad really

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                        • becus theve develepod a bad attitude becuz they dont do anything but stare at a tv 24/7

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                        • I have no problem helping newer players but don't send me a random invite without telling me what it's for and don't join a hard raid team if you have never done the raid before.

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                          2 Replies
                          • People think having video game prowess makes you somebody. It's easy to talk trash on a headset, they just can't yell too loud or there parents will tell them it's bedtime.

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                          • Edited by CaptBrick: 3/16/2015 9:11:20 PM
                            I thought so to. Actually I thought everyone above level 30 acts like a dick, but that's not true. Couple of nights ago I raided with a group of 32s and they were amazing! All super friendly and kicked back. They were like "you're not that comfortable with the relic? We'll now's time to learn. Go ahead". Best. raid experience. ever.

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                            • Some 32 ppl are nice, saying all 32s are mean is a stereotype. Stereotyping in some cases is racism and sexism

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                              3 Replies
                              • Hit 32 and play station has not been plugged-in in over a week:/ ha

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                              • Why do people always criticize eachother? Why can't we all just get along and shut the fûck up about stupid shit like this?

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                                • I don't think the question is why are [i]32s[/i] dicks, but rather [i]people[/i]

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                                • Maybe they should stop sending blanco and random invites everytime you visit the tower

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                                  • I'm perfectly willing to help if I'm asked, I don't often go looking to help people because I get a limited time to play when I'd like to... And the fact that when I do help people out the majority of the time I don't even get as much as a thank you, which kinda kills it

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                                    • I think they just feel like since a lower level doesn't have the same damage output they suck. It's stupid. Why not help someone and be useful.

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