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As today is Monday, it is the last day to submit your Nightfall Rewards for week 27. So what did everyone get from this week's nightfall? Anyone get anything they were hoping for? Let's tally up our rewards in this poll!
[url=]Week 27 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
If you would like to see the results of the research so far, you can find it [url=]here[/url]
Thank you again for everyone that has participated! Remember that the more people that take the survey each week, the better we can begin to determine any patterns in loot drops (and if Xur has and relationship with Nightfall drops).
EDIT: [url=]Head Here for Week 33! (Winter's Run)[/url]
Wanted and got ghorn
Shards and coins
T 12 sc. H radiant dance machine. W 10 energy
Obsidian mind (second week on a row) Ice Breaker And FWC fusion rifle for the 20th time Since dlc release
7 shards 11 shards 8 energy Like wtf Bungie, seriously this RNG system is bullshit
Energy Strange coin
1. Vanquisher VIII 2. Ice Breaker
Cryptdweller Cryptdweller Secret Handshake
12 coins 12 energy Prestige IV
1. Legendary secondary engram that gave me my second fourth horseman 2. Shards 3. Shards
Ghorn Red hand 9 Badger ccl
Mida multi tool Thunder Lord
Hawkmoon Ghorn 11 energy
Shards Energy
No Land beyond Crusaider I (legendary scout riffle)
No Backup Plans No Backup Plans 11energy
I voted but can't vote twice on same exotic. 1. Dragons breath 2. Strange coins 3. Dragons breath That is my 6th and 7th dragons breath.
12 energy Plan c 9 energy
Dragons breath. Team mate got ghorn.
Bad legendary Bad legendary Bad legendary.....Bad week
Red hand IX Time on Target The Cure
No back up plans Radiant dance machines The culling
11 shards No Backup Plans The Last Word
Ascendant mats 9 Strange coin 9 Some legendary mg
Skull of Dire Ahankara. 7 coins. Icebreaker.
Gjallarhorn on first run 9 ascendent shards on the second run