Need 3 dedicated players on Xbox One to do the entire 4th heist, setup and all. If you're interested, reply to this post with your GT, or message EpicnessFail56.
U wanna join us we need 1 more for the full prison break heist
I would, but unfortunately that resets the "All in Order" challenge, which I'm trying to get. Sorry.
We can join u on urs if u wanna do ours after that would be great but invite LegenW84ITdary4 I have 3 people
Sorry man, but unfortunately I've already got a session set up to do the heist with a couple of other guys in the next few hours. If you have 3 people already, you should be good with finding a random somewhere in a lobby. Sorry, but I hope you understand.
Texancoyote70 Xbox one
Alright, I'll invite you in a bit.
I can't right now but I can play later tonight . That cool? Also, I've got a friend who can play with us aswell
How many hours from now?
One or two? I'm on a lot though so if not tonight just hit me up
Yeah, sure, I can wait a couple hours. And if your friend can play, like you said, then that's even better. Just message me on Xbox, or reply to this, when you're ready.
Alright man cool, thanks