I've noticed that once you complete the DLC story missions, you get a vanity item that goes with your character that Eris doesn't sell, which is cool but also not if you accidentally dismantle it. Aside from things being dismantled, I'd like to talk about reputation with Eris Morn. Like the other factions, the "Crota's Bane" faction has vanity items; marks, cloaks, and armbands. If you're trying to get Vanguard reputation, you wear almost whatever you want in one of those categories as long as it doesn't give you reputation in another faction. The crucible, on the other hand, you've got to go into matches for that.
Now, back on track to Crota's Bane reputation. The other factions have vanity items that increase your reputation with them instead of Vanguard or crucible. But with Crota's Bane, there are no such bonuses. Is this because of Eris having bounties specifically for their reputation? I have noticed that when doing this, players can only gain a certain amount of reputation per day with Crota's Bane, which is frustrating when you like to get things two-for-one when playing. I'd like the Crota's Bane vanity gear to have the same kind of bonus as the other factions; dead orbit, new monarchy, future war cult.