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originally posted in:Controlled Chaos Faction
3/15/2015 2:24:09 PM

What makes a good clan

I just would like to know what players want and expect from joining a clan. So I can better improve my own clan. You have my gratitude in advance for your comments.

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  • Communication, I've been part of five clans the thing that eventually killed every one was lack of communication.

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    • a clan is a as good as u make it

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      • Edited by Klue11: 3/15/2015 7:51:56 PM
        The way I run my clan and it's going pretty well. I have a good group of Admins that can support each other and the clan. For communication I've made a group msg clan chat and added all clanmates so whenever anyone needs anything they just ask in the chat. Plus I host voice clan chats. And we admins help out the clanmates. Or when the admins do activities we bring in some clanmates to run with us. Oh and of course SENSE OF HUMOR. If anyone is interested, check us out [b]Primitive Order[/b] [b]30+ w/MIC[/b]

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      • If anybody wants to join a clan, Regime of the Light is accepting members. Only requirements are you must have PS4 and your character must be over level 27.

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        • Edited by CountZeero: 3/15/2015 5:23:28 PM
          A good amount of the comments seem to confuse clan and raidteam. A clan should play together in all aspects of a game, destiny has more activities that can and should be done in a team than any other FPS. If your clan only gets together on tuesdays to do nf and raids then they are missing the point.

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        • Unity, a common aim and good players

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        • People who enjoy playing with each other, can joke around and can consistently get things done together. You gotta have people willing to help each other out instead of oh well I already did this with all of my characters so no point helping you out. A good clan has to have a common ground that you should at least try and help fellow clanmates out whether it be nightfall/weekly, raids, exotic weapon bounties, leveling up low level characters, pvp, etc.

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        • A desire for players to try new things in raids along with not pointing fingers when something does not go as well as imagined as well as limiting the least common denominator from the raid group until your hand picked team is skilled enough to help other people

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          • Level headed folks with a common interest (Destiny), regular gaming hours and a community feel where topics can be discussed about anything ranging from Destiny to that new game coming out in 5 months. A vocal and hands-on leader is always going to run a more successful clan.

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          • Just making friends and having fun. And beating other clans in PvP

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            • Synchronization.

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            • A 3 to 1 girls guy ratio h l bahaha

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              • Edited by BRIGHTSIDE75: 3/15/2015 3:22:01 PM
                Nice helpful players with real balance of getting your things done and helping others.

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                • Edited by A K: 3/15/2015 4:14:29 PM
                  ...i would say it's probably ACTIVITY, closely followed by KNOWLEDGE ACTIVITY - be available online for Raids, Nightfalls, Crucible, etc. if you're not there to play it makes no sense to be in a Clan KNOWLEDGE - not only knowing different strategies for both Raids, but also general knowledge about the game, being able to help your teammates choosing the right weapons, knowing the perks, help them improve their game, etc. (there's loads to be mentioned here, you can send me a PM and we can discuss in more details) ...but most of all, be friendly and helpful, people will appreciate that ;) of course we all have bad days, i myself have learned not to play when im not in a good mood

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                • I'd love to join a clan but have no idea how...yes I realize this is a noobish problem but I'm not super intelligent. Great gamer (at least I think I am), just not super smart with little details...and math.

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                  • Friendly people who like having fun!!

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                    • People who play the game. Biggest problem I've had, every time I want to join or get invited to join a clan, nobody sends friend requests and nobody is ever online. I'm not saying be online all the time but when I'm on for a few hours and nobody from my clan is online I still have to run with randoms if I want to finish the stuff. Make yourself or at least other clan mates available. Also just be a relaxed person.

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                    • Edited by nomad: 3/15/2015 4:24:19 PM
                      I would like to give my gratitude to all for your insight. I learned a few things but the mostly I learned we all want the same thing.

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                    • Good communication and friendly people. I know that last one is usually a tall order but most people that join my clan are really great. We have a mix of hard core and normal players. And everyone generally has a good time playing together unless someone us just being a bit much, but those are mostly randoms we try to fill at the last minute. We had a team chart so people could post general play times so people can find a team that they can play with regularly instead of new teams every time they get on. New people added regular playing members to have a large pool of friends to play with in case their team was busy. Other then that I really can't think of anything off the top of my head.

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                      • Communication

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                        • Being mlg together

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                          • Edited by EpicallyAverage: 3/15/2015 4:13:59 PM
                            The knowledge and practice of the little understood language known scientifically as "black-en-ese" ERBOS and ERMO<-----this be a clan

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                            • Teamwork, people who can take a hit and give a hit, guys who like to laugh and mess around, and fun!

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                            • Good group that gets along well and communicates with each other.

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                              • Just playing together and having fun.

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                              • A clan that is always helping each other out with things like checkpoints full raids weeklies and whatever else you need or want to do.

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