QTE's can be stupid and unnecessary, but they aren't always bad.
Name some games that you think use quick time events the right way.
I'd to go with Dead Space, Tomb Raider 2013, and Kingdom Hearts.
Telltale games Also Ryse- it was just good -blam!-ing fun to execute people
Tomb Raider 2013 comes to mind.
Cory in the house had the best QTEs when you were shooting hoops with Obama.
Advanced Warfare [spoiler]sarcasm[/spoiler]
Halo 4's ending did them correctly
I saw that the new Mortal Kombat has quick time events in the story mode and they look like they were done right.
Tomb Raider definitely doesn't do QTE's correctly. First of all, you never know when the hell it'll happen, and second of all, the time frame for clicking the button is so exact it's extremely frustrating.
God of War
I agree with most other have listed so far but I'd like to add Star Wars the Force Unleashed to the list. Those finishing moves especially on the boss battles were awesome. And you didn't fail or die if you did it wrong.
Dantes inferno from what i remember had some brutal QTEs
The last of us
God of War would be the master of brutal QTE boss finishers. Which is why it's mind boggling that 1886 failed so horribly when you consider that Ready at Dawn created the God of Games on the PSP.
Said this in another QTE discussion a few weeks back but resident evil 4 is the best example on how to use QTE correctly
[quote]QTE's can be stupid and unnecessary, but they aren't always bad. Name some games that you think use quick time events the right way. I'd to go with Dead Space, Tomb Raider 2013, and Kingdom Hearts.[/quote] Resident evil 4 anyone?
Resident evil 5 i believe had some, they were used in situations that the character needed fast reflexes, so it made sense to have QTEs.
I came into this thread thinking Tomb Raider.
Tomb Raider did them right.
Indigo Prophecy
Dead space
Resident evil 4, I was stuck on the krauser knife battle for so long
D4. It's hella fun. Also wolf among us.
Shadow of Mordor [spoiler]Except for the Boss battle[/spoiler]
Halo 4
Batman Arkham games do it well too during boss battles.
They work for Bayonetta, in my opinion. The new Mortal Kombat will also have QTEs, which I think might work well.