I want to point out this is not a bash thread on other classes or a fanboy thread about the titan. My favorite class is still the hunter. My goal here is by sharing my supported opinion that the "hunter master race" for pvp stops. Because i'm getting quite frustrated that so many people complain about them. Anyway,
Titans are the best at pvp and the biggest reason for this imo is their sub class equality. Both sub classes have very solid roles and excel in them both better then other classes do.
~titan striker is near un killable in super. They get the most natural damage resist mid super. Coupled with a perk that makes them even harder. Warlocks have something similar with an exotic. However you need to wear it in order to have it. And your animation is longer meaning more time to drop damage on you. Plus you have lower natural resist mid super compared to the titan. The FoH is near instant with a huge AOE even in air.
~Titan has a one hit melee kill. Which can still trigger health regen from transfusion.
~Titans have better nades as far as area denial goes. Compared to a warlocks they naturally last longer. And also they do more damage per tick and have the ability to stick to any surface. Warlock nades can't. Titan's also have the suppressor nade. Which does a good amount of damage on explosion. And has the ability to shut people out of supers. It can even stop a fist of panic.
~Titans have the defender bubble. couple a few of their perks together and the titan is near unkillable inside. It can take an arc blade user up to 4-5 hits on a max defense titan inside his shield (armor of light, stronger shield you get from melee, max armor on titan has more armor then any other class.) And he can even have anyone blind who so chooses to stand in with him while having all that defense. The bubble also REQUIRES another super to counter 90% of the time. Every other super can be countered and killed with distance. The bubble can't.
~lastly you need a minimum of 2 titan defenders in pvp to create unlimited supers for your team. This is not achievable from any other class.
Warlocks are they easy mode class of the game. They have blink...hunters have blink but their melee's (with the exception of blink strike/hunger blade) are the weakest. Warlocks can have shields on demand (2 if running claws) simply by smacking someone. their melee also has the farthest range. Their melee is 2 fold in that they can gain energy for nades by hitting someone and get either more energy for their super on kill or health. Their nades have the best tracking in game and tracking=easy. Also they have the most forgiving super because of self res. and nova bomb is the second easiest super to use to great effect. They also can DoT better then any other class so shooting accurately isn't as important in pvp. My last evidence is my stats. I hardly tried to get my stats on my warlock and i've surpassed most records that my hunter had set.
Hunters IMO are the most balanced. both supers are decent in both pve and pvp but not amazing. making you focus more on your gunplay then your abilities. Their supers are also not as forgiving. Being the squishiest in supers, having to activate, and dying mid super causes you to lose your super. Titans dying mid FoH keep their super. Pretty sure void walkers do as well as long as it hasn't left their arm yet. Also improper timing leads to less if any kills. Because GG drains per shot and BD drains per swipe. BS has to travel to people and GG you can't miss or you waste it. Since most people run away when they hear or see a hunter use a super hunters spend extra time and lose more energy simply trying to find targets. Their nades are the weakest. trip mine can be survived if you are running max armor in pvp, the tracking nade on BD scans the area before shooting unlike warlocks tracking nades being instant. The one nade on tier with other classes is their sticky nade. Melee is also weak. You can survive a headshot flaming knife if at max health. Blink strike is the only redeeming melee for hunters in pvp and it requires 2 perks to make it so.
Thanks to anyone who reads. Hopefully my opinion at least made some of you question your previous thoughts.
Yea I kinda agree. And when people say the bubbles need a buff because a super can take it out, it fine because the bubble still stops the super from getting to them.