The only reason warlocks were valuable in VOG was to cheese the Templar. Now not so much.
Nah, self Rez was really valuable during Atheon and the rest of the raid.
As valuable as one shot Oracle kills with a golden gun?
It took two on hard, unless(for whatever reason) a warlock is relic holder. Then, a glitch activates that gives the user infinite golden gun that one-shots the oracles.
What? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I feel stupider for having heard it.
Hey, I don't blame you for not believing me. It's weird.
More valuable People die because of faulty relic in mid? self rez Die inside portal? self rez Can't be cleansed? Suicide and self rez Although I'm a Voidwalker
Self res is nice but in reality it's training wheels. #1 rule of all raids is don't die.
I usually don't die simply because I can turn invisible. The AI completely loses interest. I also have Don't Touch Me, which is as well super useful. A good hunter can be very valuable for revives. If a sun singer self rezs the minions of the dark will still know where to shoot, only meaning the sun singer will simply die again.
That's why I'm a voidwalker