which is why xur should be removed from the game and replaced with a rewarding loot system.
Fixed rewards would mean people raid once and then never again. If its hard for alot of people to find raid parties now imagine what it would be like then. Rng is frustrating but its the only way that encourages multiple play throughs, xur is there to ease some of that frustration. I think xur should do more, like get currency from raid completions and he sells random raid weapons for that currency. Would be dope.
I don't game for the loots. That's awfully close to an unpaid job. I do game to shoot stuff in different ways and hang out on coms. Only going further when it means leveling a piece of swag. Anyone who designs a game thinking, "how many times can we force someone to grind for this carrot?" is messed up. The correct answer is, "how fun can we make gameplay and what about a bonus gambling reward?" Bungie, MOAR fun please.
Edited by SquattingTurtle: 3/14/2015 7:20:10 AMwould be nice if bungie could make the game to where people dont have to rely on getting loot for fun.
...getting loot is part of the fun. If you've played enough to have the grimoire you have and havent been having any fun I think there's a bigger problem [spoiler]like you just like to complain :p[/spoiler]
I play it enough to acknowledge the problems (imo) it has. Having people i enjoy playing with is a main factor though. The RNG road to HotPF was rough and the only way to improve my chances is to no-life grind the game.
Well you could have waited till xur sold it to ease some of that frustration ;) I get what you're saying though. Its definitely not a perfect game, and to each their own
Bought 13 chest engrams and got it. 3 nightfalls a week since release wasn't enough and there was no other way to get it.
All that being said I will agree with one thing, the nightfall loot table. Shards and energy should definitely be removed, it should just be strange coins legendary weapons and exotics
Yeah I mean playing for just loot, just one peice of armor, is going to be frustrating. Set your sights on any single piece of armor in any loot based game and you're going to be disappointed alot. While its a great chest peice Warlocks certainly aren't underpowered without it. And what I ment was xur eventually sold it, no engrams needed