Hunters rely on their guns, mobility, and stealth and almost all abilities are gun or stealth.
Warlocks rely on their powers and magic and almost all abilities power other abilities.
Hunters are very reckless and like to take risks
Warlocks like to use intelligence to power their fight.
It is just a fight over very hard to compare play styles that are very different.
I like both and are very fond of each for different reasons but they are both balanced so much yet so different people try to use ______ ability
in _______ situation and base their opinion off of that.
TL;DR: Warlocks and hunters are different playstyles which are balanced very well.
My man warlocks rub out knowing they can die and self Rez and hunters play reckless?
Plus they FZZZZZ captured my 2nd FZZZZ in command and- FZZZZ sabotaged my RAM FZZZZ