You know what does devalue your time and effort, though? RNG. The fact that two people can do the exact same quest, put forth the exact same amount of effort and time, but one gets an exotic handcannon Hawkmoon, while the other gets ascendant energy. This is why it cannot be called earning. It is luck. You could shoot a lvl 5 dreg and it might poop out a legendary engram. This is the 20 dollar bill analogy. You have no control over the result, and the time and effort you put in does not equal the same reward as someone else who put in the same time, and effort. That is like saying you earned it when you win the lottery. You can say it, sure... but everyone will still think you are full of crap, and also you have an ego problem.
His analogy is correct. Yours does not make sense. I don't ever "sometimes" get paid when I do a job. I always get paid, and it is always at a constant rate. Much like weekly heroics. If you have the skill, you can earn just as many coins as the last guy who completed it on lvl 30. This is earning.
Edited by RickB50: 3/14/2015 8:50:20 AMOK, so what ever the reward is makes no difference to the amount/value of the effort. The fact a ghorn (insert reward you want) is a possible reward for a certain activity means doing that activity is a fair effort for receiving it. How about thinking of it this way: the actual reward is random (luck) but you earn the opportunity so once you receive the reward it is earned. I get your point about shooting a dreg not being effort but you've got to count all the dregs you shot that got you nothing. Also I think my analogy is still better than the walking down the street and picking up money - like you know if you're walking down a street you might find something good or being told if you walk down a particular street you'll get given coins - as I said before, just cos you don't know the reward doesn't mean the effort/time is suddenly less.
Actually there is one more thing... When you kill dregs, the resulting drop is not cumulative. Each kill is an independent roll, not based on previous kills. It is possible (though extremely unlikely) to kill two dreg in a row, and both drop legendary engrams. So, no, you don't count all the dregs that gave you nothing. You were close, when you said the reward is luck... but then you said that once you recieve the reward it is earned. That is untrue. The chance was earned, and the result was luck. That doesn't mean that whatever your particular reward is was earned, only that you earned the chance at that particular reward, and got a lucky roll. Anyways, I wish you good luck, and good health. May all your blue engrams turn into legendaries. :)
Of course its a lucky roll but the point that you put effort in and get something out of it is literally the definition of earn so I think its you that is having trouble understanding. Either way, my original reply was an effort to end all the butt hurt 'I earned it, you xurned it' bullshit posts that appear every week but it looks like there's no stopping it, even with logic.
Dude, whatever. I'm not gonna argue with you anymore. I tried explaining, and you don't get it. Your logic is that you think you earned winning the lottery (exotic drop) because you earned the ticket (RNG roll) that gave you a chance, and it's dumb. That is luck which determined your reward and you had no control over it whatsoever. All you did was earn a chance, not the result. And I really don't care what you think about me, cause you are about as thick as rock. I know I am right, others know I am right. The only reason butthurt still exists is because of people like you who think that you are earning things when you are not. The pnly way to earn things is Xur because that is the only constant that some with equal skill can replicate and recieve the same reward. Someone with equal skill, time, and effort cannot repeat your method to "earn" the same thing, and so it is in fact NOT being earned. It is luck. Sure though, with your logic, it makes sense that you think you will of course stop the butthurt by spreading more misinformation. Good luck with that. Muted.
Okay... you are not getting my point at all. If you earned something, then someone else with equal skill should be able to copy your method to earn the same thing. RNG does not allow that. If you don't understand why that cannot be called earning... we have nothing left to talk about. Earning something is NOT dependent on luck. You might earn the chance to win the lotto, like you earn the money to buy the lotto ticket... but if you actually win the lotto, it was luck, not earning that made your ticket win. If you can't understand this, I am sorry. This is as much as I am willing to explain it. It is simple logic, and I'm not going to debate with someone who doesn't understand this. Good luck. :)
Perfectly explained.
Thank you. :)