always looking for heist players on gta v. im on xbox one. i don't care if im leader or not, but when i am leader, i tend to do 40-20-20-20 since i don't get paid 20k+ for set up missions (and if you guys stick around since the first one- thats about 100k for you anyway).
I will never ever take more than what is fair! Add me if you want to play gta v! I also play destiny, dying light (occasionally) and minecraft!
any level is fine. As long as you have a mic and listen (and stay alive! we do hard difficulty but im always patient with mistakes!). I am lvl 93 though.
Oh Ninetales
if interested!
Need 2 for humane labs raid. Message Werty Eaves on xbox one.
I'll be on later tonight!
Trying to start heist need one player Msg SHADOW SNIP3ER88 If you would like to play