Why are you mad that red death is being sold? Now people can be useful on crota hard.
Edit: I'm happy to see none of the people posting so far are salty. Everyone seems to either not care, or truly appreciate Xur selling it.
Edit2: seems like everyone is pretty content with him selling it! I see lots seeing it good because it benefits raid teams!
Edit3: Some...Where... Over the rainbow...
Honestly it's not even an arguable thing. You don't earn it through anything but Xur. That's it. It's over.
If you grind ROC or Crucible for it, then it's grind. Not earn.
If you get the strange coins necessary for purchase, it's earned.
Ex: if you're walking down the street and you find a 20$ Bill, you didn't earn it. You found it.
If you see a video game you want, and you work on something in order to obtain the money needed to buy it, then it's earned.
Just making the gun way less rare that's all. It pisses a lot of people off. I wish there was a set of guns that weren't sold by xur at all, like the raid exotics. That would solve all this hate and disagreement
I don't really care but it made my friends happy so I'm happy.
Isn't this the third time it's been sold?
I am also very confused why people are mad, red death is just ok, it has pretty good impact that is balanced out by its fairly slow fire rate, non of its sub perks are good, and even its second main perk is just an on perk, its main perk is of course amazing, but the gun is no where near being classified as the best gun in the game. So i remain confused as to why so much of the community suddenly got so angry?
I don't think he should have sold it. It just ruins the fun in getting it from rng and being super happy from the drop.
I could honestly care less that he is selling it lol everyone should have access to that beast of a pulse rifle. More ways to improve the Crota raid experience
I'm not mad he's selling it at all. I just hope they don't go and nerf it to death like they did to the suros.
Everyone in crucible is using it now, and it's a bit too op for my liking.
Everyone's excited/mad about red death, and im over here just happy he's selling skullfort so I dont have to use red death. lol
I really could care less. I think the only weapon I'd be annoyed at being sold would be thunderlord or gjallerhorn
its a good thing he sold it most people who get thier panties in wad are the pussy foot lvl 32s dont like it? stick it up your arse nobody really had it was the rarest exotic because xur also sold the praxic fire and skull of ahmkara honestly waiting for him to sell the gjally again or suros
Nah I'm not mad. If you need red death to be useful you're actually bad and I don't want you in my raid. With the exception of being hard mode Crota swordbearer there is a better exotic for every situation in the game.
Just a little but cuz xur never sold the upgrade I knew he'd only sell it when he sold the actual gun
the entire game is a grind in some form or another...nothing earned but plenty gained with a roll of the RnG dice
I finally have it in my exotic collection. Just like the Vex and monte carlo that was rewarded
I ernd mine second week went 4-15 with 2 caps! in crucible git gud scrubz
Edited by jamez_70: 3/13/2015 11:34:26 PMPvp will be over run and it's not as special now
You earn everything in the game.
I earned my Red Death because I pulled it from a chest in VOG via RNG. How the hell is that earned? People buying it did more work than me.
Lol at grind not equal earning... Ever heard of the daily grind? Work to win money to buy things...
Mad because my red death was the only unique thing I had since I have no real skills to offer a fire team. I needed to lean on a powerful weapon to cover up how shitty I play #hyperbole
I actually don't see many people use red death in crucible. Im still getting killed by last word and hawkmoon, everyone needs to calm down it's just a game and people play how they want to play.
Been trying to get it for ages. I'm glad he's sold it. Although I will never experience the excitement of having it as a random drop.
I'm mad because red death was the only thing I got from the game this week. So my coins just sit it the bank.
I got it last month and I'm happy he's selling it some of my friends want that gun so bad.
I haven't been online today but I imagine crucible will be real interesting.