you dont have an xbl/psn account linked to it, or have facebook linked.
Seriously, bungie, you could literally be making some ancient members disappear due to this.
How fucking shitty is that?
Linky to info
You're damn right bungie doesn't care about you. The moment they take in 200,000+ new possibly underage players in destiny 2 the rise of fate, they will ban offtopic for eternity with martys stock. But that's fine because making a account takes a few seconds, and you can make hilarious gamertags/psn names like [b]DeejBegboi6969[/b] [b]DeejLikesMalebutt78973[/b] [b]destinyIsntGud[/b] [b]NWAaintnuthi2fukwit[/b] [b]BLAAAAAAAH[/b] [b]EMMA[/b] [b]FloodWillRize[/b] [b]XBDCsmokescrackxXX[/b] [b]Maaxcopies&pastes[/b] [b]NanoMachines[/b] [b]bungievusion[/b] [b]surfingrepbluicant[/b] [b]aussiecrime[/b] [b]britishpisspot[/b] [b]FckDestin[/b] [b]BannedFromLife [/b] [b]psudoDiggery[/b] [b]Fredickdickdiggery[/b] [b]rektButt[/b] [b]shrekShrektme[/b] [b]NupidSigger[/b] [b]CrotasExoticCrackpipe[/b] [b]deejsmokescrack[/b] [b]Male[i]Crack[/i][/b] [b]IreallyLikeCrack[/b]