Lol it really does... How many fireteams have you been on where locks and hunters are talking about legit or cheesing, lets go left, lets try right... Us simple Titans are just... "Cool... Tell me where to go and i'll wreck shop, not for you guys, but because i like to wreck shop. Hey watch me superman smash this little thrall over there by himself... No, not that one coming up the stairs, the one way over there by the ogre room you were babbling about, the one that doesn't even see us... Oh wow, did you guys see that, he had a buddy down here and i punched him...
I main a warlock, and I have to admit I can be a little condescending at times. In general, I'm logical, down to earth, and always look for reason, similarly to what a warlock would probably think.
Perfectionism, as well.