I've seen the 'floofing about' and 'we taught them to blink' statements on Warlock gear but is there more stuff in the Grimoire? Also, even without the grimoire, I see alot of back and forth between Warlocks and Hunters on a daily basis. Are Warlocks just jealous nerds, are Hunters just stuck up cool kids?
Edit 1: It's funny how the Titans just sit back with popcorn watching all this go down.
Edit 2: I'm seeing claims of sexual tension, very interesting stuff!
Edit 3 - You gotta admit, 'Floof' is a very funny word
Edit 4 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 5 - Uhm, is this thread going out of control?
Edit 6 - So, claims of Hunters hopping around like bunnies are pretty funny.
Edit 7 - So many replies!! Thanks.
Edit 8 - So Warlocks floof and Hunters bunny hop....
Edit 9 - MalPen is the only Warlock allowed to eat popcorn with the Titans...he brought beer.
Edit 10 - It has been speculated that the 'squishy' floofy Warlocks are just pretending to be friends with the Titans just so they can use them as muscle against the Hunters.....the plot thickens
I'm a Titan , but I'm with the hunters if a war comes
Hunters are really difficult to master in pve. They have no armour, recovery and no over shield. You cant rush Into anything or your ass gets handed to you. That said the hunter in a players hands that understands the class is dominant in both pvp and pve. These facts makes people love or hate on hunters. Hunters is all or nothing.
Fashion war
From what I've read it's that warlocks are gay and hunters are fags so I think it's sexual tension.
Id have to admit that from personal experience from playing with my brother who is a hunter that the hunter class is indeed the squishiest cuz i revive him and he dies in 15 seconds where as my warlock friend doesn't but still hunters suck balls...
When my Golden Gun goes off prematurely...awks!
Warlocks are smelly hippies. If they quit showering with dr bronners all natural soap and washed them dirty ass robes once in a whild maybe we could get along
Embrace the void.
.... warlocks wear dresses.. .DRESSES.. what self respecting warrior falunts around in a dress?
Capes. Knives. [i]Feeling like a cowboy[/i]
*throws pebble at hunter*
I don't know. They play differently, you can't say one is bad necessarily. I main hunter but playing as a warlock was cool, I just like blade dancer a little more, it's about what you think is more fun, your opinion doesn't make the other class bad [spoiler]but I know that's breaking news for some of you[/spoiler]
Titans owe no Allegiance to any side. We simply just want to punch something, even if it's another Titan.
Hey guys. This argument is huge. I just wanna say one thing... [spoiler]the ram ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [/spoiler]
I had a hunter through the majority of the game and got him to max level and he was my main. And then I made my warlock and I haven't gone back since. After getting a warlock to 34 I realized that hunters really aren't that good. In PvE the only thing I can think of them being useful is going invisible and dismantling mines in Prison of Elders. Tbh they're only good in crucible, and even then I would still prefer my warlock. I'm always gonna have love for my hunter but in all honesty, warlock is just simpler, more practical, and just more fun.
How should I know. 34 of both here.
Warlocks kill Rams and wear their skulls. That's low.
What else thickens?
The fact that warlocks SUCK MAJOR COCK!!!!! -blam!-in scrublords
Hunters have a cloak But we all know it would look cooler on a warlock I mean come on all we get is a bond that glows letting all the thralls know where you are in CE -.-
I had a hunter through the majority of the game and got him to max level and he was my main. And then I made my warlock and I haven't gone back since. After getting a warlock to 34 I realized that hunters really aren't that good. In PvE the only thing I can think of them being useful is going invisible and dismantling mines in Prison of Elders. Tbh they're only good in crucible, and even then I would still prefer my warlock. I'm always gonna have love for my hunter but in all honesty, warlock is just simpler, more practical, and just more fun.
Hunters look like those rockers that have skin tight pants
Hunters are the squishy ones lol
I think the tension is sexual in nature.
What's a Hunter? Like some kind of hillbilly?