I'm missing my Rocketlauncher "One Way Ticket 000" after transferring it from one character to the other with the Destiny iPhone App. What can we do about that?
Muppets who transfer weapons while the game is loading lose their shit, Forever!
You ain't lose it find it
Did you check on all your characters, vault in game, postmaster?
Nothing. [i]Sincerely, Bungie.[/i]
I had the same issue the other week. I lost my Atheons Epilogue when I moved it from the Vault to my Hunter while sitting in Orbit. I closed the game and app completely (don't know if this actually helped) and still couldn't find it. After about twenty minutes of frustration, I logged in as my Warlock and for some reason it was in his inventory. But when I checked his inventory on the App, it wouldn't show up. It wouldn't show up on the App until I equipped it.