It really isn't a debate, evolution is a fact. Its not subject to belief or disbelief, its reality. A scientific theory is a proven hypothesis. Evolution is a theory, just like Gravity, and Cells are "just a theory". Micro and Macro evolution are fake concepts invented by creationists in order to debunk it. Clearly, that did not work. Evolution has been directly observed in animals with short lifespans like fruit flies. If you are going to reject direct, peer reviewed observation, yet trust in the bible, or the Qur'an or any holy book. You are creating a double standard. The burden of proof is on us, and it has been met time and time again.
Edit: Wow 2000 replies that's awesome
Edit: I really love the responses, I can't believe we're over 3000
Edit: I'm gonna rewrite this post as I don't like the message it is portraying and some of the feedback it has received. I just don't personally like how it was wriited and the circumstances it was written in check back in a couple hours for the new one.
[b][i][u]WE ALL LIVE, IN A POKEMON WORLD[/u][/i][/b]
Am I real?
J.R.R Tolkien [quote]Thread explodes [/quote]
Edited by Kalameet: 5/2/2015 3:18:40 PMI like how this is still going.
Edited by eddie : 5/2/2015 4:05:56 PMI'm catholic and fully believe in evolution, it is taught at my catholic school. Changed "religion" to evolution woops..
Science is based on theory. If the theory can not be disproven than the theory stands. Gravity is a theory and in till gravity is disproven the theory of gravity stands. Evolution is a theory. As of yet the theory of evolution stands. Everyday they continue to dig up bones that support the theory. In till they dig up bones that disprove the theory the theory of evolution stands. Another way to look at this scentific process is this: let the answers to questions shape our understanding, instead of letting our understanding shape the answers to questions.
Edited by Eris' Necrotic Gripper: 5/1/2015 1:15:36 AMwell if evolution is so "factual" why doesnt it have a popular book like christians do?
I believe in Evolution, and I'm Christian
Evolution has nothing to do with religion, it's a fact. Humans, and animals evolved to adapt to certain circumstances.
If you could reason with religious people, there would not be any religious people.
So if I say that you don't exist and that it's a theory does that make it true?
I don't get why people have such heated debates over Creation vs. Evolution. The two don't even ask the same question! Evolution asks [b]how?[/b]. Creation asks [b]why?[/b]. Creation says God created the world because He wanted a companion created in his likeness, that answers [b]Why?[/b]. Evolution says we were created by evolving from simple life forms to become what we are today, that answers [b]How?[/b]. That means that the two theories can coexist because they don't answer the same question. Now, this means that you can believe both, that God created the world, that is the [b]why[/b], and that we are as we are because we evolved from amebas or bacteria, that is the [b]how[/b]. Evolution doesn't answer how the amebas got there, and Creation doesn't answer why we are as we are in this day and age. So many people don't understand that they are arguing about two things that [b]don't answer the same question[/b].
Agnosticism FTW
Evolution is a theory, Gravity is a law just like physics, Cells are a fact because that's what you are made from, Micro and macro evolution happen every day but you won't even notice it.
Country flags on Hunter cloaks and Titan marks? U.S., Mexico, European flags, etc.. Quote and share if you agree.
Evolution is real. You see its growing when I'm looking at you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I often wonder the point your making if it's leading us away from the evolution of man.
itt: religious kids who dont understand evolution trying to disprove evolution such lols
as i said before...
I like what you're doing, but it's a lost cause imo Faith is the total suspension of reality. You think these people care about empirical findings?
If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still black people? [spoiler]#EDGEMASTER[/spoiler]
Since you say it is fact than tell me this. How could a Dragonfly evolve from something? It's the only flying animal that has wings like a helicopter. And also, how is a giraffe a result of evolution? It's neck is so long it defies evolution. Those are the 2 animals that I could thing of that defy evolution
Fact? Prove it. Laws of physics contradict it .like the first law of thermodynamics Law of conservation of angular momentum Explain that and I'll believe
You can't disprove God there's no fact that disproves him cause we don't know what caused the Big Bang and will never know so a god can still exist and who knows he probably made evolution this universe is to complex to be a random event every thing fits perfectly
Oh God, the stupidity. It hurts. You people need science.
Creationists are a wild bunch haha