Bungie, for the love of Crota get rid of this map on Control playlists. Burning Shrine and Asylum are at least playable but Anomaly just isn't working. It's a hectic mess of spawn, death, spawn, death, spawn, walk three feet, death, spawn, run down a hallway, death, spawn, begin capturing a point, death. It's the digital equivalent of arriving at a party only to realize that the host has a studio apartment with no seating, no place to set your drink down, and no escape from the guests that you dislike.
Until then...[url=http://31.media.tumblr.com/f3a27291da665afb02b2516f0fd30459/tumblr_mi6l0wsXgK1ql5yr7o1_400.gif]THIS[/url]
Honestly I don't think it should be a control map for a 6v6 mode. If it was 3v3 it would be fine but where B flag is right now when the enemy team camps there it is quite literally close to impossible to cap it. The only hope you have is taking A and C flag while completely ignoring B. However this also doesn't work a good amount of the time because the enemy will spawn next to either A or C flag.