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I made a Userstyle based off of Shou's style.
[b]More Screenshots:[/b]
[b]Download here:[/b] (version 1.2.1)
[b]How to Install:[/b]
[quote]1. You need Stylish installed in your browser. [url=]Firefox[/url] | [url=]Chrome[/url]
2. Make a new userstyle with Stylish.
3. Copy paste the CSS into it and name it whatever.
4.[u]Chrome only[/u] Remove the entire [u]@-moz-document[/u] line near the top, and the last curly bracket } at the bottom of the script.
5. [u]Chrome only[/u] In "Applies to", specify "URLs on the domain" and enter "". Add it.
6. Save, and you're done.[/quote]
Edited by Viltre: 4/8/2013 7:52:33 AM
Started a new topic: Fixed version of the Dark theme.(88 Replies))
I was wondering if there is any plans to fix the theme. It seems to have broken since the last update.
Edited by Cirno: 1/19/2013 3:23:15 AMOK, I stop playing Tera long enough to fix the things mentioned earlier among a few others. I updated the download link with the style. I also started adding version numbers so I'll be easy to tell if there is an update.
I found a bug, on the [url=]news pages,[/url] the text is very hard to read. [url=]Here's a pic of what it looks like to me.[/url]
Looks great.
Edited by Shou: 1/14/2013 10:46:16 PMFinally! ヽ(゜∀゜)ノ One thing I noticed though: The 'Liked' link is the same color as all other links. It should be grayed out once you've liked a topic. And if you could make the social network share button dark like my soul as well that would be nice.
That looks very, very sexy. :-)
Very nice, thank you.
Thanks sm, looks really nice. I'll be using this for now.
Looks pretty nice. I've only tried yours and Shou's so far. It's better than Shou's, but there may be one or two other scripts that I haven't compared this to yet.
Looks good. I wish I could save the thread.
That looks [i]too[/i] dark.