Shouldn't of made this thread. I was just butt hurt over some things I saw on reddit about certain feminist.
Pretty sure women have the same rights as men. Since they've got nothing on that end to fight for now, they campaign for their proposed solutions to social inequality between men and women.
Disliked thread for inaccurate use of tag system.
Feminists are trying to ruin video games for the sake of "equality".
Actually, I would categorise them as radical feminists. Most feminists only demand equal rights, nothing more than that.
Egalitarian > feminist
I cannot take feminist seriously.
I love sweeping generalizations. There are extremists for pretty much everything.
How many feminists have you met? Where did you see or hear this argument? The reason I ask, is my mother in law hangs runs in the feminist circles, and I have yet to hear that. Thy want the same jobs for the same pay, and the same rights as men. That's about it. So, whoever YOU talked to or heard, was not a feminist.
What the hell? What more rights could they possibly have. I cant take feminists seriously.
They just wanna rule us men!! Let's take away all of their rights!!!!!
So true. Anyone who cant see that is blind.
More rights like what? :/
Feminist scare me. I'm down for equal rights, but some of them are just mean.
There were a few threads about a month ago now that dealt with this in which I threw myself into the argument pretty heavily. But if your tags are anything to go by, I'm just going to assume you're trying to get a rise out of me rather than have a discussion where you want to be informed. Feminists are pro-equal rights. Equal rights means equal. [u]Equal[/u]. Any and everything else beyond that is up to the interpretation of the adherent and the opponent, and is entirely their own devising.
I would like to see one feminist call for the Selective Service Act to include women.
You're confusing the common feminist with "irrational female haters". The common feminist want the same rights as men, the same pay. Yes, they do get some advantages because they are/can be mothers, but they aren't as big of an issue as the amount of green paper that decides how your entire life goes.
Everyone who is a proponent of equal rights for both sexes is a feminist. However, wanting to affiliate yourself with that title because of personal issues you have with large parts of the movement is an entirely different issue. I personally do not identify myself with the modernist movement, because I feel as if it prioritizes its goals poorly; this does not in anyway, though, mean I am any less of a feminist.
What does this have to do with #gaming?
Why does this have a #gaming tag?
Give them what they want and they might go away.
They already have equal rights (in developed countries). Anything more is either futile or demanding more rights than men.
I mean, if you want birth control, feel free...
Gender equality is a bit of a paradox
Females shouldnb't be demanding equal rights. That would end up making men unequal. There are pros and cons to each gender and I wish both sides would just accept that instead of trying to make each other equal.
You're generalizing a huge group of people. Good job OP
I think we all know who Kashi is talking about. lol, I agree. Though that isn't an accurate representation of women's rights advocates.